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Announcing Visual Studio Team System

With the Microsoft announcement of Visual Studio Team System at Tech·Ed, a dream of mine is coming true. You see, I’m sort of an odd duck here at Microsoft. Although I’ve been in the IT industry for twenty-some years, I don’t have a computer science degree. I never mastered C++. I’ve spent most of my career as a tester, project manager, analyst, and only sometimes as a developer. The only real Windows programs I’ve written were in Visual Basic. I’m not sure how I got hired here; if they’d asked me the tough programming questions, I’m sure I would have flunked.

As a tester, I’ve always understood the theoretical value of advanced developer practices, like unit testing, code coverage, static analysis, memory and performance profiling. At the same time, I never understood how anyone had the patience to learn the obscure tools that you needed to follow the right practices.

As a project manager, I was always miffed that the only decent data we could get was about bugs. Driving a project from bug data alone is like driving a car with your eyes closed, but turning the wheel every time you hit something. You really want to see the right indicators that you are on course, not just feel the bumps when you stray off it. Here too, I always understood the value of metrics like code coverage and project velocity, but I never understood how anyone could realistically collect all that stuff.

As an analyst, I fell in love with modeling. I think visually, and I found graphical models compelling ways to document and communicate. But the models always got out of date as soon as it came time to implement anything. And the models just didn’t handle the key concerns of developers, testers and operations.

And in all these cases, I was miffed by how hard it was to connect the dots for the whole team. I loved the idea in Scrum (one of the agile processes) of a “single product backlog”—one place where you could see all the work—but the tools people could actually use would fragment the work every which way. What do these requirements have to do with those tasks, and the model elements here, and the tests over there? And where’s the source code in that mix?

From a historical perspective, I think IT turned the corner when it stopped trying to automate manual processes and instead asked the question, “With automation, how can we re-engineer our core business processes?” That’s when IT started to deliver real business value.

They say the cobbler’s children go shoeless. That’s true for IT, too. While we’ve been busy automating other business processes, we’ve largely neglected our own. Virtually all tools targeted to IT professionals and teams seem to still be automating the old manual processes. Those processes were high overhead before automation and they’re high overhead still. How many times have you gone to a one-hour project meeting where the first ninety minutes were an argument about whose numbers were right?

Now, with Visual Studio Team System, we are seriously asking, “With automation, how can we re-engineer our core IT processes? How can we remove the overhead from following good process? How can we make all these different roles individually more productive while integrating them as a high-performance team?”

We don’t have all the answers yet, but we’re taking a huge leap forward. When I joined Microsoft from Rational Software a year ago, the Application Life-Cycle Tools market was experiencing another spasm of consolidation, as it had seven years earlier. Customers were seeing more re-labeling of the same old bottles. On the other hand, Microsoft did not join the acquisition fray. Instead, we talked to our customers about their issues and brainstormed about innovative solutions. I’ve had the privilege to meet with hundreds of customers and partners in the last year and ask how we can do it better. We’re starting to show what we’ve learned, but we certainly haven’t stopped asking.

Please join the conversation by signing up for the newsgroups and participating in blog discussions that you will find on our developer center in the “community” section. If you’re a casual reader, we’ll also distill some of the highlights in this column for you every couple weeks-. And if you didn’t make it to Tech·Ed, you’ll be able to see some of the highlights on this site.

I look forward to “meeting” you soon.

Sam Guckenheimer
Group Product Planner
Visual Studio Team System


  • Anonymous
    May 24, 2004
    This product looks great!

    I have a few early questions and comments...

    * Will it work completely outside of a Windows Domain login? ie/ will I need to login to a domain like in Visual SourceSafe to have it work? (kind of makes remote development difficult).

    * The new modelling tools look great, but all of the demo's I've seen so far focus on code generation. Will there be any support to use the new tools in a design-only mode? I really don't want the code updating when I change the designs...

    * Will there be any support for an nDoc-style code documentation system? And, more importantly, will it be able to document SQL Server databases? Will there be any modelling tools for relational databases in addition to compiled code?
  • Anonymous
    May 24, 2004
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  • Anonymous
    May 24, 2004
    Announcing Visual Studio 2005 Team System
  • Anonymous
    May 24, 2004
    Does the VSTS have support for NUnit tests (we have a bunch existing) or support for migrating from NUnit tests?

  • Anonymous
    May 24, 2004
    go live?

    I'm itching to use all these new tools, and I realize that the name 'vs 2005' indicates a 2005 final release, I want to know when we will get that MSDN build - something akin to VS 2003 beta 2 (where I think you could download .net 1.1 beta from Microsoft's website), and although the product wasn't final, I was using it very happily.

    Any idea a date on this - a public beta of .NET 2.0?
  • Anonymous
    May 25, 2004
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  • Anonymous
    May 25, 2004
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  • Anonymous
    May 25, 2004
    quiero saber màs hacerca de visual estudio 2005
  • Anonymous
    May 25, 2004
    Is the storage mechanism for the source control file based or in a dabase? How are the diffs stored? Is it simillar to how CVS stores its diffs?

  • Anonymous
    May 25, 2004
    Database, using Microsoft SQL Server using reverse incremental delta storage. The tip version is a full copy. A previous version can be re-constructed using the reverse diffs. Yes, that is similar to how CVS stores diffs.
  • Anonymous
    May 25, 2004
    Curious about Server product (change management, project management), are those features going to intergate with sharepoint service or microsoft project? Or it is a total seperate project? I believe most development team already using some kind of change & project management system, and I want to hear what's the migration plan for some thrid party system.
  • Anonymous
    May 25, 2004
    Finally getting close to the full development tool. This product is going to be great. Currently I have about four expensive toold to do all of this, but they are not integrated.

    Can we consider this post ( as being addressed? Maybe, but we need to also get the defect management tool going too.

  • Anonymous
    May 25, 2004
    Only a day after its announced and already I've seen over 50 postings about Burton. This is clearly not something that needs my help getting attention. As good as it sounds though I've a few questions

    1. What will it cost? for the full system? Only the source code control system? the performance analysis tools?
    2. Will any parts of it be available on MSDN? If they are will it be legal to use them for day to day development work?
    3. Will FxCop's inclusion in Burton mean that its no longer available for free?
  • Anonymous
    May 26, 2004
    Yes, the Visual Studio Team system leverages Sharepoint for team portal/communication services. And yes it integrates with Microsoft Project. You can continue to manage your schedules using project and have the scheduled tasks appear in and be modified from within Visual Studio.

    We haven't announced (or finalized for that matter) pricing. Stay tuned and we'll announce it as soon as we know it.

    Yes, certainly some parts will be available via MSDN but we are still discussing the details. Again, stay tuned :)

    I'm not 100% sure of the answer to the FX Cop question. I'll look into it and get back to you.
  • Anonymous
    May 26, 2004
    I confirmed my expectation on the FXCop question. The existing FXCop will continue to be available in the same way it is now. We'll continue to keep it running and hope people continue to use it and get value from it.

    We don't expect to be integrating the "free" version into Visual Studio or doing substantial upgrades to it.

  • Anonymous
    May 26, 2004
    WRT to FXCop, the "for free" version will be available for the forseeable future. The key distinction will continue to be design guideline level rules. The current plan is to continue to update those with 2.0 frameworks and beyond. Advanced rules and integration will only be available in the "for fee" version (included in Visual Studio).

  • Anonymous
    May 26, 2004
    Will there be extensibility support (possible through the VSIP programme) enabling 3rd parties with existing Project Management tools to hook into Team Foundation.

    I love the idea of an integrated envirnment that ties together the work plan with the code, but I'd want to use my existing project tools to create and maintain the plan rather than MS Project etc. (MS Project may be great, but it doesn't work well in an agile development context for timebox planning, tracking etc)

    What I have seen looks cool so far, so really hoping MS will extend access to 3rd party tool developers, especicially project management tool providers.

  • Anonymous
    May 26, 2004
    Yes, we have worked very hard to provide extensibility interfaces at all levels (client and server) to allow other tools to integrate into the Team System. We are working with many 3rd parties now to help them integrate their tools and many of these interfaces will be made available to end users for custom integration as well.

  • Anonymous
    May 27, 2004
    Is the big TechEd presentation on Tuesday morning with five of the team members avalible online? It was a great demo!
  • Anonymous
    May 27, 2004

    We will put up a streaming version of the General Session demo. Hopefully it will be up in the next week or 2. We have to wait to get the format converted from the folks who do the session taping for Microsoft.
  • Anonymous
    May 27, 2004
    We are absolutely 100% committed to building the entire ecosystem of partners for the Team System (tools vendors, consultants, systems integrators, trainers, et al). If you're interested in access to the extensibility APIs, you should join VSIP (

    Compuware, Borland, Avicode, and others actually demonstrated such integration at the show. A number of other companies issued press releases in support of the Team System and announced their intent to integrate over time.
  • Anonymous
    May 28, 2004
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  • Anonymous
    May 28, 2004
    I just posted my notes from the TechEd breakout session that covers most (if not all) of your questions and more. See this post:
  • Anonymous
    May 29, 2004
    Dave, it sounds like you are describing many of the characteristics of what we are building without having seen it :)

    Yes you can associate changes with bugs, tasks, etc.

    Yes you can control when they go into the build.

    Yes you can get code coverage and test pass/fail data.

    Yes we have a solid reporting infrastrucure (based on a data warehouse) that allows you to do arbitrary corrolation, trending and aggregation.

  • Anonymous
    May 31, 2004
    First of all, let me just say that from the videos I've seen this looks like an awesome product!!

    From what I was able to see in the static code analysis performance demo (Static Analysis-Perf.wmv),
    when looking at the various reports the the VS displays based on the .VSP file, the one thing that
    seems to be missing is the ability to do filtering based on names spaces.
    For example, I am only interested on the 'Most Called Function' from my a particular name space,
    or to be more specific, I am not interested in the number of calls to the framework (System.*) functions.

  • Anonymous
    May 31, 2004
    In the Functions View, you can group by module, which allows you to separate your functions from System.* functions and third-party modules.
  • Anonymous
    May 31, 2004
    How on Earth does one get a job at Microsoft without a degree?

    I've been a developer for almost 30 years and I've been down to the OS level in Windows, MacOS and Unix more times than I like to admit, I know C, C++, .NET, VB - you name it... heck, I even designed and wrote one of the first program-writing programs ever (1974) without even knowing that such things were uncommon at that time and without even one year of CompSci (I was switching from chemistry to comp sci the next term), but I don't have my degree and I can't even get interviews anymore.

    I've applied at Microsoft (even did the 'optimise the routine' test they published in their ads) and never even got a call back or an email.

    Man, so many incredibly cool things to work on there. I'm definitely green with envy.

  • Anonymous
    May 31, 2004
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  • Anonymous
    May 31, 2004

    It's certainly possible to get a job at MS without a degree but it isn't easy. As you might expect Microsoft gets so many resumes each year that the recruiting team has to have some very simple guidelines for winnowing down the pile to a number they actually have the man power to contact. I don't know what those rules are but I suspect they look at things like degree. Send me your resume privately at and I'll take a look at it and see if I can think of a team that looks like it matches your skill set. Please understand that I can't promise anything more than I'll look at it and forward it if I can think of a match.

  • Anonymous
    June 01, 2004
    Is there improved support for parallel development (e.g. v1 alongside v2, etc.) within the source control system?
  • Anonymous
    June 01, 2004
    Here's how we'll support parallel development (BHarry, correct me if I'm wrong):

    - enable stuff like promotion models: Dev -> QA -> production
    - enable merging code between branches

    - developer isolation; create a "sandbox" to work without impacting others

    Shelving (taking all your changes and setting them aside for later retrieval without check-in that might break build)
    - interrupted work flow
    - transfer changes without check-in
    - checkpoint or share work in progress
    - transfer work in progress between machines (PC at work to laptop or to PC at home; dev in Seattle to dev in Raleigh)

  • Anonymous
    June 01, 2004
    Can any of the Team System features be used independantly outside of Visual Studio? Although all our web development is done in studio, we still have a significant portion of our business logic written in XGen on a Unisys Mainframe. We're currently using VSS to manage the XGen source but it would be nice to migrate to the new system when it's available.
  • Anonymous
    June 01, 2004

    Any plans to include some Bug Tracking System in the VSTS 2005?
  • Anonymous
    June 01, 2004
    Yes. Visual Studio Team System will include a work item tracking tool. That tool is based upon the same database as the one that Microsoft uses internally with a new Visual Studio UI put on top of it. Check out:
  • Anonymous
    June 01, 2004
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  • Anonymous
    June 01, 2004
    Okay, I know pricing isn't established. What about bundling -- any news there? Will this only be included in Enterprise Architect, or will it even be included in the lowly Professional? Or will it be an add-on that we purchase separately?
  • Anonymous
    June 02, 2004
    Visual Studio Team System replaces the Enterprise Developer and Enterprise Architect level of products.
  • Anonymous
    June 02, 2004
    Some questions:

    Will Static analisys be available only for C++ code (PREfast)?
    What about including some dinamic analisys such as offered by Allocation Profiler?

  • Anonymous
    June 02, 2004
    David -

    VS Whidbey Team Developer 2005 will include an integrated version of FxCop. FxCop is a static analysis tool for all .NET languages, including VB, C#, and C++. It will show up in the project properties, and as part of the check-in policy.

    Two views from the allocation profiler, the Type View, and the Lifetime View, will be integrated into the Team Developer 2005 profiler. These are ports of the allocation profiler engine to VS UI. The Application Verifier is also a dynamic analysis tool and will be integrated into Team System.


  • Anonymous
    June 03, 2004
    I have been reading about the new features in VS.NET 2005 especially Team System, and I am very impressed with what I have read. So, I installed VS.NET 2005 from the DVDs from TechEd. But, I can't find all the stuff that was in the articles. Some of the confusions about the client and server pieces of the Team System was clarified by you in an earlier post, but there are other features that I could not find.

    Can you post a list of features that are currently supported in the Comm. Preview May 2005 of VS.NET 2005? This will help me not look for stuff that is not there.

    I cannot commend enough what MS is doing to the platform, and I am really pumped. I have been working with .NET since Beta release of 1.0. We have come a long way. And, I must thank you for upgrading VSS - that was SO needed.

    GO guys!
  • Anonymous
    June 03, 2004
    While VS 2005 Team System looks exciting, I have a question. Some of the tools (unit testing, profiling etc.) are useful for lone developers as well as for team members. Will these tools be available for lone developers?
  • Anonymous
    June 04, 2004
    Alex -

    Great question. There's nothing to stop an individual developer from using the Team System to organize their own work, but you're right that this isn't the primary scenario driving these tools. Jason Anderson has a post in which he talks about the SKU plans around unit testing and profiling on his site ( The same reasoning around delivering the tools where they will be most useful also applies to the issue of use by a team versus use by an individual. Here is the key excerpt from Jason's post:

    "Our approach wasn’t really to ask, “Is this tool valuable enough to help all developers?”… We build most of our tools with that target in mind. Instead, we tried to ask the question, “Where can this tool provide the most value?” and in our current thinking the answer is along the lines of “as a feature integrated with the rest of the product lifecycle tools found in Team System.” Over time, we may revisit this decision, but for the 2005 version, we feel confident that this is the right choice."

  • Anonymous
    June 06, 2004
    I would like to be a part of your studies on the improvement of the internet quality of use.I'm a retied electrican and enjoy spending my spare time on my computer.I don't have any papers per say on any of all this, but am mused by the usage value of net comunication.E-Mail me if I can be of any help in the future, I think that it may be very interesting to be a part of your team.
    Ronald Atkinson<>
  • Anonymous
    June 09, 2004
    Can anyone comment on the pricing plan? Will this all be offered with a MSDN subscription? Are you going to add another 'tier' to the subscription plan? Just seems like a LOT of cool tools. Droooooool.

  • Anonymous
    June 11, 2004
    RSS Feeds would be nice --
  • Anonymous
    June 11, 2004
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  • Anonymous
    June 12, 2004
    Regarding pricing, we will have more to say on this in a few months.
  • Anonymous
    June 14, 2004
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  • Anonymous
    June 14, 2004
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  • Anonymous
    July 19, 2004
    The FAQ at informs...

    Q: Do you support automation of GUI testing?
    A: Not at this time. There are 3rd party partners that are adding this capability to the toolset.

    Where can we see a list of 3rd party partners that will add this capability to the toolset? Is IBM's Rational Robot going to be one of these?
  • Anonymous
    February 16, 2006

    Korby Parnell writes:

    Microsoft's New Source Code Control Application
    WoooHooo! I can finally...
  • Anonymous
    March 01, 2006
    Hooray for March! It feels&amp;nbsp;great to finally say, Team Foundation Server is shipping this month....
  • Anonymous
    May 16, 2006
    Let me start with thanks for Rob Caron‘s persistence in encouraging me to blog.&amp;nbsp; I haven’t blogged...
  • Anonymous
    June 11, 2006
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  • Anonymous
    March 21, 2007
    Innovation and integration across the entire application development life cycleI do not agree. Go to
  • Anonymous
    June 11, 2009
  • Anonymous
    June 13, 2009
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    June 14, 2009
  • Anonymous
    June 15, 2009
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  • Anonymous
    June 16, 2009
    セレブ達は一般の人達とは接する機会もなく、その出会う唯一の場所が「逆援助倶楽部」です。 男性はお金、女性はSEXを要求する場合が多いようです。これは女性に圧倒的な財力があるから成り立つことの出来る関係ではないでしょうか?
  • Anonymous
    June 17, 2009
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    June 24, 2009
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    June 25, 2009
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    June 26, 2009
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    July 23, 2009
    誰か満足させてくれる人いませんか?めんどくさいこと抜きでしよっ♪ とりあえずメールして☆
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    July 24, 2009
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