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Failed to install ASP.NET MVC 1.0 on Windows Server 2012 X64


I got a problem when setting up a very cool environment. I was unable to provision a web worker role as the installation of required ASP.NET MVC 1.0 failed.


For the MSI setup issue, KB 223300 is always the start point.


223300 How to enable Windows Installer logging


I enabled the logging, reboot machine, install again, and found follows in the MSI log. The Ngen command was failed.




Then, I opened the Ngen.log which is located under the framework folder. I found the same information. Open a command console and run the same command, got the same.




So, what’s the problem? Long story in short, enable the follow tasks in the Task Scheduler.



Here is MSDN document regarding the Ngen task.


Native Image Task


See you next time,

Wei from APGC DSI Team