Web Services Competency Workshop In-A-Box
Originally Created: 2005-06-12
Beat Schwegler, Architect on my team, informs us the latest version of his Web Service Competency Workshop can be download from here. There's ~20MB of slides and demos and in my opinion is the best set of coherent content on this subject that I have seen. Go get it!
Beat says:
The content consists of two parts: The first one discusses architecture and concepts where the second one is dedicated to implementation and technology:
- Update on SOA and Web Services
- The grey area between service and object-oriented design
- Web Services and attachments
- Web Services versioning and extensibility concepts
- Best practices for Web Services interoperability
- Understanding asmx 1.x
- asmx 1.x performance aspects
- What’s new in asmx 2.0
- Web Service enhancements 2.0 (WSE 2.0)
In our next fiscal year (i.e. at Microsoft) we'll be reloading this workshop with new content covering Indigo and have another workshop which will look at Service design using DSLs and the GAT. Cool!