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Odds and ends

So, we've been heads down building the latest Rosario CTP of VSTT for you guys. Some good new stuff heading your way... more details when we release it ;-)

Meanwhile, like you must be knowing already, Orcas is on it's way to RTM. VSTT has some great stuff lined up on the load testing side - do check it out. And as with all releases, we are waiting nervously for this one to get out of the door safe and sound. Onto Rosario then!

Among other news, we had an EE day here at IDC, where we get to hear about cool new tech/processes emerging in other parts of the company. MSFT, being as big as it is currently, we certainly need a forum where we can share and learn new stuff across teams. The keynote was very Sinofsky - enjoyable and interesting as always. Peter Spiro did a fiery session as well on day 2 - where he spoke about his journey inside and outside of Microsoft. If I were given a 100 rupees for each time he swore, I'd be rich! LoL! Hard hitting and candid as usual - this guy inspires awe from even the most paranoid of people.

Alan Page gave a talk on testability, that was pretty neat. He also did this course for senior testers; that I'd highly recommend... lots of useful nuggets stringed well and sprinkled with some amusing and interesting anecdotes from him! And it was good seeing him in person - now I have a face to match the blog/mail/IM :)

Oh - and there will be a couple of guest posts from folks at my team on Rosario bits. They wanna test drive blogging and check if it's really their cup of my blog will be their guinea pig for now :)
