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mix07 day 2

First off, I must give kudos to the folks maintaining They've been keeping that site as up-to-date as humanly possible. I'd be walking out of sessions and would check the site to see video interviews with the presenters posted. So if you haven't been able to watch a session live, go here.

Having been "silverlight'd out" in day 1, I decided to spend most of day 2 trying to wrap my head around the Windows Live dev platform and some of our new APIs. The new release include APIs for Live Contacts and for Live Data. Some of the demos, including a prototype that was done by the guys over at was particularly interesting. This is all really quite sweet - I've been talking for ages about how we need to give not just our consumers, but also our partners in the web-space the ability to provide "stickiness" to their site. Stickiness is huge for the web today - with the monetization models available, website owners want to keep their audience on their sites, or they want them coming back frequently. I've always thought of our sites of having this "touch and go" kinda feel to them. These APIs aren't changing the way our sites work very much, but it really enables our partners to provide stickiness through our platform, me thinks.

To learn more about Windows Live's dev platform, check out our MSDN site dedicated to Live. The Windows Live Spaces APIs are also something worth checking out, but that's old news (old = 1 week).

The other factor that's particularly interesting is our new innovative 'biz model' behind Windows Live Services. We got a sneak-peek at the new terms and conditions a while back, but these were revealed at MIX yesterday. Bottom-line, you really should have no real reason to not consider using Live Web Services. Period. If you do, we want to hear about it. Have a go at the boring, dry, TOU here.

So that's that. We booked out Pure, and had a massive party there last night. I've been Pure several times, and I've never seen Pure this empty. I mean it was packed with MIX attendees, but it was still not as packed as it usually is. Between geeking out at Pure (never thought I'd ever say that in my life), and trying to catch to the Warriors-Mavs game outside with the majority of the audience there (in Vegas, outside Pure) rooting for my Warriors, I had a great time.

I must say that I'm really quite content with the way MIX has panned out so far. I was reading "Why Silverlight Is Important" by Arrington over on Techcrunch, and I couldn't help but smile when reading the article. Go over and check it out, yo.


Technorati tags: mix, mix07, silverlight, windows live dev, windows live contacts, windows live spaces, windows live data, monetization, msdn, pure the nightclub, pure, las vegas, caesars palace, golden state warriors, dallas mavericks, michael arrington, techcrunch