Microsoft ArcREADY Presents: Software + Services
Software + Services (S+S) a vision that extends and builds upon Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Software as a Service (SAAS) to blend locally installed, full-package software with Internet-delivered or hosted applications. It augments organizations’ on-premise software investments with components, add-on technologies, and complete applications - hosted by you or a third party. As a result, you can leverage the power of the client (PC, Tablet, or Windows Mobile Device) with the flexibility of service-oriented connected systems to help users and customers enhance user experience, add role-based functionality on demand, and cut software-acquisition and support costs. The S+S model encompasses a lot of the traditional concepts and blends them to make a best of breed solution.
Join our Architect Evangelists to learn how the Software + Services model offers you significant opportunity to build, develop, customize, host, and deliver solutions that can drive new revenue and opportunities.
TARGET AUDIENCE: Architects and Senior Developers who are interested in becoming an architect.
WHAT TIME ARE THESE EVENTS? 9:00am – 11:45am (Continental Breakfast will be provided)
Technorati tags: Software + Services, ArcReady, SOA, SAAS
WHERE ARE THE EVENTS? The events are held in 14 cities across the Central Region. To register for this event, please visit
- Anonymous
October 17, 2007
Software + Services (S+S) a vision that extends and builds upon Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and