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Event ID: 10536 ENTSSO Bad Data issue


This is a known issue in Enterprise single sign on service that may occur under any of the following circumstances:

  • When you're setting up an Enterprise SSO cluster
  • During enterprise SSO disaster recovery
  • When you're promoting an Enterprise SSO server to the Master Secret Server (MSS)
  • During migration from an earlier version of Enterprise SSO
  • During an in-place upgrade from an earlier version of Enterprise SSO
  • When you're performing multiple Enterprise SSO V5 restore and backup sequences

if you are under this issue, you will get the following event log entry:

Event ID: 10536
Source: ENTSSO
Level: Warning
SSO AUDIT Function: GetConfigInfo ({11111111-6055-4cda-89CD-389E8A2B1640}) Tracking ID: b084f15b-43fd-474e-a075-398943753c91 Client Computer: computer name (executable name:PID) Client User: username Application Name: application name Error Code: 0x80090005, Bad Data.


The following hot fix is available and it will sort the problem out:

However after you install this one you could have also a memory leak problem as it is described here:

As far as I understand if you install only the second one, this one:

Will sort out both problems.