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US Imagine Cup People’s Choice Awards


The Imagine Cup is the premier student technology competition in he world. Yeah, I get excited about it. The US finalists in the Software Design Invitational and the Game Design competition (two categories there) and been selected and are making their plans to attend the finals in Redmond Washington in April. Now it is also time for the public, people like you, to have your say on if these projects are genius or not? You'll decide!

Microsoft US Imagine Cup Fall finalists now have new team pages--check them out and get to know the teams: 

Of course I am completely unbiased. OK maybe not. I have a soft spot in my heart for high school students competing against college students so I may have voted for the high school team, Xoz Gaming. Their project, Strain is a Windows real time strategy game where you defend the world against a global pandemic.

I Voted BadgeXozLogo

Some other good teams to vote for are:




Geek League NYU Game Design

Drexel Dragons Drexel University Software Design

TTHV Harvard University of Pennsylvania Central Connecticut State Software Design

There are lots of great teams with lots of great ideas. Visit the Facebook page, check them out, and vote early and often (you can vote every day) for your favorite. Oh and by the way there are prizes for people who vote to win as well.