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Measure 21st Century Teaching and Learning at Your School Today!

I just saw an announcement of an interesting new program from Microsoft’s Partners in Learning team that is designed to help schools do self assessment of how well they are incorporating 21st Century skills. If you are involved in technology integration this may very well be worth looking into.

MS_PiL_school-research_Logo_330x175Free surveys of teachers and school leaders that will measure 21st Century teaching and learning skills in your school.

Would you like to measure new and existing teaching and learning practices in your school? Get a data-driven, action-oriented report with concrete examples of how your school can develop its innovative teacher and learning practices to develop students’ 21st Century skills.

Partners in Learning School Research is a free research tool that schools around the world can use to get a data-driven, action-oriented report with concrete examples of how your school can develop its innovative teaching and learning practices to develop students’ 21st Century skills. Learn more and get started today!

 Partners In Learning Network