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Interesting Links 25 April 2011

Apparently some people actually do read this blog. I have talked to a couple of people recently who say they keep up with what I’ve doing via the blog. Exciting and scary both. Smile Comments both pro and con are helpful though and I am glad to hear from readers at any time. Of course lately I haven’t been travelling as much as I was for a few months. That’s been great for spending time at home and with family. On the other hand I miss seeing new people and visiting interesting places.

Suzi LeVine (@suzilevine) sent me a link to this video that really articulates what the Imagine Cup does for the world. Also in Imagine Cup news, the Imagine Cup team from Howard University meet with Microsoft’s North American President and members of the White House staff to talk about STEM issues and for the team to show off their work. Ed Donahue has a great Recap: Imagine Cup 2011 on her blog by the way. A bunch of videos and links to other information about what went on, who the winners are and lots more.

In case you need a reminder, students can create a new game with Kodu and win $5,000 plus lots of great technology for them and you’re their school ! Kodu Cup for the win!

How did you learn to program? Ben Chun blogs about his new 's site to collect stories of learning to program  The idea is for people to leave a one line answer to why or how they learned how to program. Every time you visit You will see one of  the many answers given so far.  You can also add your own. (Ben is on twitter at @benchun )

Ken Royal (@KenRoyal) has a new series at Scholastic called Best in Tech TODAY One recent post was Tech Creators: Pat Yongpradit Computer Science Teacher and is a personal favorite. Ken is looking for more teaching practitioners to review technology for classroom use. You can contact him via Twitter if you are interested in writing something.

Who's a woman technical leader you admire? Nominate her for an Anita Borg Technical Leader Award  Winner will be honored at the 2011 Grace Hopper Celebration of Women in Computing.

Is this the future of ebooks?  The project is called ChronoZoom.

This early example uses Italy and shows off the power of Deep Zoom, allowing us to embed high resolution images, Gigapixel images, and full resolution PDFs.
With ChronoZoom's vast zoom capability, we can embed an entire PDF within a panel. Converting a PDF to Deep Zoom allows us to quickly browse the PDF without any lag or delay traditionally associated with standard PDF viewing applications.

Have you seen this cool Windows Phone fan video If it gets 200,000 views Microsoft will make it a real commercial. 

Enter the Student App-a-thon 

Bob Familiar (@bobfamiliar) and Lindsay Lindstrom (@LindsayInPhilly) have both been blogging about the Windows Phone Student App-a-thon! For US college students 18 and up.


Be one of the first 1,000 students to publish an App in the Windows Phone Marketplace between April 11th and June 30th and choose between Halo Reach®, Fable®, or three other games for Xbox 360®. That’s not all. The student who publishes the most Apps will receive $5,000 cash or an equivalent prize package. The three students who publish the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th most Apps will receive $1,000 each.