ChronoZoom–a new way to look at history
Microsoft Research announced a new project a couple of days ago called ChronoZoom - An Infinite Canvas in Time and you can get full information at that link but the intro paragraph below is a bit of an idea of what this is about. I think this will be interesting to history teachers as well as computer science teachers.
ChronoZoom is an open-source community project dedicated to visualizing the history of everything. Big History is the attempt to understand, in a unified, interdisciplinary way, the history of cosmos, Earth, life, and humanity. By using Big History as the story line, ChronoZoom seeks to bridge the gap between the humanities and sciences an enable all this information to be easily understandable and navigable.
Get involved
- Try ChronoZoom 2.0 Beta to learn about history or use it in the classroom.
- Take the survey to vote for features and provide us with valuable feedback.
- Tutorial Video:
- Guide: ChronoZoom Quick Reference Guide
- Lesson Plan: ChronoZoom User Guide and Lesson Plan
- If you are a with computer science department and would like to provide information to include in ChronoZoom, such as data visualizations, data management, and natural user interfaces, contact
- If you are a researcher or with an organization that has a significant digital collection or expertise in historic events, help us grow ChronoZoom by contacting