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Uganda .NET Usergroup : ALM using Visual Studio and Team Foundation Service

The .NET Usergroup members met here in Uganda at Outbox for the talk from James Makumbi. The meeting focused on Application Lifecycle Management (ALM) and using Visual Studio and Team Foundation Service. James gave a detailed walkthrough from storyboarding, user stories, builds, testing and source control.

The attendance was very high and the enthusiasm radiated all through the meeting. A lot of questions were answered around managing projects using Team Foundation Service as a cloud offering and details related to collaborated software development. ALM was put as a fundamental piece in software development and one that every developer needs to know and once well applied would save costs, give visibility on what is happening on the project, enable developers to maintain quality through continuous test and integration.

After the event developers remained in the venue to discuss about their geeky ways and exchanged ideas, best practices and socialised.







