how to fix the profile image from azure is not sync after integration of sso to slack
I recently integrated SSO from azure to slack and other application we have in the company. everything is working well except the pictures from azure is not sync to the apps integrated. if someone could help me to resolve this one will really help.…
How to update a row in excel spreadsheet, not add a new one
Following the Graph V5.x updates and the 'code breakers' widely discussed on this forum and others, I've been trying make to get my previously working C# code working again, one part of which is intended to update specific rows in an excel spreadsheet as…
WARNING: Unable to acquire token for tenant 'organizations' with error 'InteractiveBrowserCredential authentication failed: Method not found: 'Void Microsoft.Identity.Client.Extensions.Msal.MsalCacheHelper.RegisterCache(Microsoft.Identity.Client.ITokenCa
Hi Team, Can someone here please assist me with this error to connect my PowerShell session using the Connect-AzAccount ? PS C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0> Connect-AzAccount WARNING: Unable to acquire token for tenant 'organizations' with…
Programmatically activate my Entra ID assigned role from PIM using PowerShell
I usually go to this page: activate it via GUI. How can I programmatically activate my Entra ID assigned role from…
How to read IRM protected excel file using graph api from backend code
We have a requirement to programmatically read IRM Protected excel file with Graph API using a backend process which is a AWS Lambda function. Below setup works fine to read an excel file which doesnt have any protection. Azure app registration has…
How to send email through client id and secret with tenant id instead of SMTP in PHP Laravel 9 technology
Hi , I am developer , i want to send email through the client id and secret with tenant id without SMTP , Can you please tell me that how to send email to any other person like in PHP Laravel 9 technology , Or provide any reference so…
Clarification on Using /sendActivityNotification API for Rich Content in Microsoft Teams
I have a question regarding the /sendActivityNotification API in Microsoft Graph. In this documentation, under the section "You can use activity feed notifications to do the following:", it mentions "Show rich content in a Tab app or…
How to fix IDX14102: Unable to decode the header '[PII of type 'Microsoft.IdentityModel.Logging.SecurityArtifact' is hidden. For more details, see]' as Base64Url encoded string.
Hello! i am in a logicapp and i want to create files in a sharepoint drive. So first I create a token based on a app registration id, this one succeed. But the next action failed with the error: => Error 401 Unauthorized,…
Outlook addin - how to get unique new event id
Hi, We are developing an Outlook addin, and we want to save an event id for a new Outlook event so we can associate the new event with the state of our app. We read that the Outlook API does provide unique event id but only if the event is…
$filter does not work on /solutions/virtualEvents/webinars/{webinarId}/registrations endpoint
Hello, I'm trying to implement the Microsoft Teams Webinar endpoint to retrieve registrants. The docs show that it supports the filter param, but I'm having some issues with getting this working.…
Issue with sideloading Outlook Add-In due to 'webApplicationInfo' element Resource domain configuration.
We are developing a React.js based Outlook add-in, hosted at and have successfully initialized Office.js APIs. Our goal is to use the Office.context.auth.getAccessToken API to acquire an access…
How to get a notification when Teams online meeting has started
Hi I am trying to subscribe to online meeting call events. I am using MS Graph Python SDK and a GraphServiceClient to post the subscription request. I have subscription for new event creation and when this happens I check whether it is on online meeting…
I'm trying to use setVerifiedPublisher to set the MPNID on an application via Graph, but am receiving an "UnknownError" in response
Hi All I'm currently working to create Entra App Registration programmatically (in C# using the Graph SDK), which will need to show as having a verified publisher. Creating the application is obviously quite standard, and I've managed to update the…
Question about the search function of Microsoft Teams
Hello Teams Development, I was redirected here as I have a little odd question. I have spent like 3 business days to find a solution and unfortunately I couldn't. I am trying to make the users in Microsoft Teams searchable in another language. I want to…
Why Do Office 365 Users Need Admin Consent Despite "Admin Consent Not Required" Setting in Azure AD?
An application registered in Azure AD uses Microsoft Graph API with the following permissions: Mail.Read User.Read offline_access In the Azure portal, these permissions are marked as "Admin consent: Not required." However, when testing…
Can not upload file to SharePoint site
We are have a specific SharePoint site (the site name had masking) is using a java program with graph api. We confirm the site had been grant the write permission. It will show the error as below, may I know…
Api graph error MailboxNotEnabledForRestApi
Hello, I would like to develop an application that allows users to send emails using their Office365 address. I have two professional Microsoft accounts in different tenants. I created my application with the first account and invited my second account…
Skills property is causing 404 unknown error in select query parameter, while other string collections are working fine.
I am trying to fetch the details of users in my department including their skills. But when I try to do that with$filter=department eq…
How to Retrieve Children of OneDrive Personal Folder Named 'v1.0' Using MS Graph ?
Hi, I’m trying to retrieve the children of a folder named v1.0. The response is a 404 error. According to the instructions here, the request should be GET /me/drive/items/root:/Test/v1.0:/children Interestingly, when the folder name is v1.1, the…
Unable to Send Messages to Teams Channels Using Graph API with Application Permissions
When using the Graph API with Application Permissions, sending messages to Teams channels is resulting in the error below. While Delegated Permissions work correctly for sending messages, is there another approach that allows sending messages to…