FIPS error with Cosmos Postgresql DB while running stored procedure
Hi Team, I am facing a strange error while executing stored proc which executes a query on another DB. The same proc works fine in our staging DB hosted on Cosmos Postgresql. We have similar configuration and settings for both the DB and we checked all…
Retrieve detailed logs for actions performed against a cosmos container back in time
We have no audit logs setup in Cosmos DB. And last week the content in a container got wiped in one of our database. We can see in metrics that the container has been wiped and the time, but we can't see what caused it. Can we get more detailed…
Got an error while trying to delete a MongoDB Cluster
While I am trying to delete a cluster failed with error: "An unknown error occurred for the operation. Tracking id: 09a0efb1-5922-4338-aad9-ffa4ceba130b. Please can someone help me
How to enable geospatial index in cosmosdb during migration? there is no option is showing in feature section of cosmosdb?
I am not able to enable geospatial index in cosmosdb during migration.
Find duplicate indexed field across collection & is it possible to restore backup to a new db account with unique key constraint
We have a cosmos database with mongo api, it has more than 50 million records currently and it has few fields indexed and it is also Sharded with a shardkey. due to some technical issue our application has inserted a duplicate transaction. We want to…
PartitionKeyVersion is NULL for the Azure Cosmos Container
The Microsoft documentation states that when creating a new container, the PartitionKeyVersion should be either 1 or 2, not NULL. However, when using PowerShell script to create a container without specifying "PartitionKeyVersion," it is being…
How to read cosmosdb mongodb API objectId field from a synapse analytical collection link
I am linking Synapse serverless sql pool with Cosmosdb with Mongodb API. For background, MongoDb sets its _id and reference ids to objectId(). To do a SQL join on this field, we need to convert the value to string. This is how the data…
How to rename/clone the cosmos db colletion?
Hi Team, Below is our nosql cosmos db- Here, We want to make copy/clone of collection - 'MenuItemDetailsV2', with new name i.e. 'MenuItemDetailsV2_backup' Please suggest how we can do it. Business use-case- Take backup of…
Issue with FullTextPolicy Persistence on CosmosDB Container
I am experiencing an issue when adding a FullTextPolicy to an existing CosmosDB container. The full text support feature has been enabled on the account. Although the full text index is created successfully, the full text policy does not persist, and…
ADF failing CopyData
I have a copy data action that reads from kusto db with a query and has a cosmos db sink. I have validated that the cosmos and kusto are successfully connected, yet while debugging the pipeline I run into this error: Could this be rbac related? I have…
Role required to read/write data from cosmos DB (SQL API) from ADF?
We are trying to read/write data from Azure data factory, since local authentication is disabled in cosmos we are trying to access cosmos DB using managed identity. However even with Cosmos DB Account Contributor role assigned to managed identity of…
Getting "'_FullTextWordCount' is not a recognized built-in function name" while attempting RRF ranking.
I'm attempting to use a hybrid (FullText and Vector) query as prescribed in The query: SELECT TOP 5 c.content FROM c WHERE c.context="[CONTEXT VALUE]" ORDER BY RANK…
Setting up TTL on CosmosDB for Mongo
Hey there, We are using Azure Cosmos DB for Mongo for our database; server version is 6.0. We want to activate TTL for one of the collections, but the interface seems to be blocked and asking to create a TTL index. Here is what we see. We followed the…
Is there a way to make CosmosDB Data Explorer respect ETag when updating a document in the browser?
Hi, I would like to be able to manually update certain things in my CosmosDB container without having to worry about an application potentially overwriting the change/having its change overwritten by me. I tried this with two browsers by opening the…
How is the property stored when it has a different datatype that the base schema?
In this MS Analytical store docs link , it says that the analytical store doesn't "include" a property if it's of a different type than it's base schema. Just out of curiosity , does it mean in the column store it stores null against that…
requests from synapse pipelines blocked by firewall policy of cosmDB.
hello team, the requests are getting originated from synapse analytics pipelines to nosql coosmosDB. the requests are getting blocked by firewall settings of cosmosdb as the request IPs are different one for every run and requesting through public…
Integer typed column with NULL values in Analytical Store getting converted to 0 in Azure Synapse
I have a container A- container A has a column colA with integer as it's datatype in the AnalyticalStore , how do I know that? When I import the projection for the source it get's imported as integer. But I have overwritten the schema and set colA to…
How to use System Assigned MI to access Blob Storage and Cosmos DB in Synapse Analytics
Hi, I am trying leverage the default system assigned managed identity a synapse workspace provides to access blob storage and cosmos db. I have already tried the following steps which I saw in various posts: Assign Role to Managed Identity: Navigate…
Cosmos db 1RU point read latency never below 20 ms
Hi, so we have several asp net core apis .7 or 8 (app services) where we are seeing average latencies for 1 RU point reads are between 20-25 ms on average in the last 30 days. The lowest registered was 10 ms. Looking at the SLA we should almost…
Does Azure cosmos DB for Postgresql support oracle_fdw extension?
Can you please confirm if Azure Cosmos DB for Postgresql provides oracle_fdw extension to enable creating foreign tables in Postgresql that connects to the Oracle tables or schemas? I know it's been mentioned that oracle_fdw is available for Azure…