Reject subset of events in function app using nodejs
From the docs, I can see that using C# it's possible to set autoCompleteMessages to false and manually complete or abandon an individual event when receiving a batch of events. Can anyone confirm that this same functionality does not exist in nodejs? If…
How to set up custom header for Azure Service Bus Message in Azure AD B2C Custom Policy?
Hello, I am currently working on an Azure AD B2C custom policy and need to send a message to Azure Service Bus with a custom header. Specifically, I need to set the BrokerProperties.ScheduledEnqueueTimeUtc header while sending the message. Here is the…
Azure Service Bus - Unauthorized: Maximum credits exceeded
After months of successful processing in Azure Service Bus, I'm receiving this error on every request. Unauthorized: Maximum credits exceeded. It's not clear to me on how to fix this issue. I've looked around the quotas and usage for all of our…
Where to update Lock Duration for Service Bus Queue Messages in Azure Portal
I would like to update the Lock Duration for messages on my Service Bus Queue, but I cannot find an option in the Azure Portal and other forum posts/docs noting the location. I am aware of the Azure CLI method to do so, but I would prefer to do it in…
Service Bus Premium Messaging Unit Downtime
Hello, I would like to know if there's downtime when scaling messaging units of a premium service bus (e.g., 2 MU to 1 MU). Thanks.
How can I determine where all these User Errors are coming from in Service Bus?
Looking at metrics for the Service Bus, the amount of User Errors that are occurring do not add up to the errors that we are seeing for the processes that take place due to the service bus. Due to this we are concerned that there are a large number of…
Service bus triggered azure function behaviour
Hi Team, I have scenario where we are sending thousands of messages to Azure service bus topic and then we have 'Service bus topic trigger' azure function. Azure service bus - Standard tier Azure function (Topic trigger) - App service plan Topic…
Azure Service Bus - Are you charged for requests and/or messages?
According to Azure Service Bus pricing (Basic/Standard), we are charged per million operations. However, on my Azure Service Bus dashboard, there are certain metrics: Incoming Requests Successful Requests Incoming Messages Outgoing Messages Of…
how to delete dead-letter messages?
For the topic that has both active messages and dead-letter messages, I only want to delete the dead-letter messages. If I purge messages based on this article, will both messages…
I have a service bus message that gets transferred to deadletter queue without triggering the function.
Hello Community, I have a service bus that is related to a queue every second message the service bus is sending the message to dead letter queue and the function that is supposed to be consuming the message is not even triggering. so The queue is…
Azure Service Bus queue receive options
Hello, The Azure Service Bus queues vs. Azure Storage queues comparison page says as pros to SB queues, that long-polling and Push-style API receive modes are also available (while with Storage queues not). However, I cannot find any documentation on…
Set Message Label/Subject using Azure Functions' Service Bus Output Binding
I am sending messages to service bus using python azure functions with the new programming model which uses output bindings like below: @bp.service_bus_queue_output( arg_name="outputQueueMessage", …
How to use Azure Servcie Bus for local development and to implement integration tests?
We are thinking of using Azure service bus in our architecture, do you have any solution on using it for local development apart from creating a azure subscription? Similarly, implementing integration tests as part of deployment pipeline? Looking for…
Enabling partitions in premium service bus
We are tying to add partitions - 4 and capacity 16, but in overview tab it shows partition only as 1 and messagingunits as 16
Unable to connect to Azure Service Bus from Spring Boot application using ServiceBusSenderClient with DefaultAzureCredentialBuilder
Getting below error when trying to connect to Azure Service Bus from Spring boot - java application. ConnectionHandler --…
Creating an alert rule for every new Deadletters in service bus
I'm trying to create a new alert rule that will send an email every time a new dead letter appears in my topics in the service bus. Initially, I tried searching for a solution at the subscription level so I could choose which subscriber to monitor for…
After deployment Logic app is unauthorized for servicebus
We have a logic app with managed identity to communicate with a service bus. After we have deployed the solution by ARM or Bicep, we manually give logic app access to service bus by adding the logic app to sender/receiver role. Then we test the logic app…
how to rollback the transaction of API from Azure function which calls the API
how to rollback the transaction of API from Azure function which calls the API below is my code in azure function. when My Azure function fails in any case I want to rollback the API changes using (TransactionScope scope = new…
Azure Service bus message is being retried forever
From my app which operates on the message received form the Azure SB, when an error occurs the message is getting redelivered. But the number of time the message is being redelivered seems to be foreer. For ex, the below is one of the message that got…
How to control messages on a bus coming from Dynamics
Hello, I am seeking guidance and best practices on a scenario I have. We have a Dynamics site that enables clients to book seats in a theatre with several rooms and while the clients updates fields on Dynamics we want to update a database on a different…