Knowledge check not working
The knowledge check cannot be submitted at the page . The submit button keeps spinning forever,…
What is microsoft recommendation for licensing a linked clone virtual machine VMware provides linked clone. Since linked clone share virtual disk , no hardware change is detected, Does it need seperate retail key…
Manage Azure policy using github
Dear community, I'm looking for guidance on how to export azure policy into github and use the git hub actions to deploy the same. I've tried to searching for relevant documentation. However, its not properly available. With github export no longer an…
The link to the repository points to a different module exercise does not point to the right repo This question is related to the following Learning Module
Azure CLI command to create Service Principal with contributor role is failing to generate the JSON file
I'm using this command: az ad sp create-for-rbac --name "devopsfoundationslabsp" --role contributor --scopes /subscriptions/$SUBCRIPTION_ID --json-auth from…
How to fix the following error
Following a lab from Cyberinsight for creating private dns zone which has been created and it showing in virtual network links. Next step is to create a virtual machine to test the configuration, but I'm getting this error, " New-AzResourceGroup: A…
Login deployment problem
I hope this message finds you well. My name is Andrei, and I am currently a student working on the deployment of several projects on Azure. I am reaching out to seek guidance regarding an issue I am encountering with the deployment of these…
When I give the API Token value in my project and try to send it to github, I get an error
Hi Masters, I am a beginner in .net Core. If you allow me, I would like to ask a question. In the training videos I have watched, the instructor was able to add the API Key to the source file and upload it to github, but when I try to do it, I get an…
Exercise - Use a repository secret in a GitHub Actions workflow - wrong link
The button Start the exercise on Github Inside points to It should point to an exercise to use a repository secret in a…
Incorrect steps to enable dependabot version updates on forked repository
In module "Configure Dependabot security updates on your GitHub repo", unit "Dependabot security updates", section "Version updates on forks" it says: "To enable version updates on the fork of a repository: Go to…
Incorrect exercise
This module points has an exercise "Use a repository secret in a GitHub Actions workflow" that points to a repo that was already done in the first module of the collection "GitHub Actions" and that does not use repository secrets .…
Getting a System.MissingMethodException: Method not found when trying to push to GitHub
Recently I started getting this error message when trying to push my commits locally to our repo in GitHub using Azure Data Studio: Looking at the Git log I see this: 2024-10-01 13:32:19.183 [info] Unhandled Exception: System.MissingMethodException:…
Obsolete button caption
The image shows a caption "Set up this workflow", which is old: The new caption is "Configure": That detail is important because a question of an exam could ask about the caption of the button with options "Configure",…
Environment variables for inputs of custom actions use the "INPUT_" prefix
In this page: if appears this: inputs: super_secret: description: 'My secret token' required: true If you need to access the…
Secrets are not environment variables
In page it states that Secrets are encrypted environment variables you can create to... and in knowledge check…
Wrong exercise linked?
From the page "Exercise - Use a repository secret in a GitHub Actions workflow" the link "Start the exercise on Github" appears to open the wrong repository "skills/hello-github-actions" which is same exercise opened by…
Incorrect link
The module "Manage an InnerSource program by using GitHub", page "How to manage a successful InnerSource program", section "Set repository visibility and permissions"…
Incorrect term "Add project" to link project to team or repo
In the topic "How to organize and automate your project": In section "Adding a Project to a team", the step 6 should be "Link project" and not "Add project" (which doesn't exist, there is "New project"…
How do I connect my existing Visual Studio 2022 project to an existing github repository?
I set up a github repository to match the project I am working on in Visual Studio 2022. I did something wrong and only the project file exists. I followed a tutorial. But the tutorial was disappointing and the instruction was to drag the content of my…
Static Web Apps Tutorial: Error from Git:Push operation - Installing nodejs
I'm walking through the tutorial "Add an API to Azure Static Web Apps with Azure Functions": I'm able to run the app locally but am getting an error at…