1 question with Viva Connections Training tag

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Update the ACE Modules to SPFx v1.18?

Hi, I don't have a question really, just the issue that it took me a bit to realize that the Learn documentation has not yet upgraded to SPFx v1.18. For anyone else trying the module, they may run into some things that are no longer present or areā€¦

Viva Connections Training
Viva Connections Training
Viva Connections: A Microsoft Viva module that provides a gateway to a modern engagement experience.Training: Instruction to develop new skills.
1 question
asked 2024-09-19T16:14:33.2+00:00
Mary F Harvey 1 Reputation point
commented 2024-09-19T19:15:10.03+00:00
Mary F Harvey 1 Reputation point