Submit button not working
In " Develop unit tests using GitHub Copilot tools" module in "Knowledge check" I'm unable to proceed for next steps as it got stuck while clicking on the submit button. Please resolve asap. This question is related to the following…
Why can't I succeed to submit all the answer in the knowledge check of Develop unit tests using GitHub Copilot tools module ?
Hello everyone. I could not submit all the answer of knowledge check of Develop unit tests using GitHub Copilot tools module . How could that happenned ? Please help me. What should I do ? Thanks... Sonny This question is related to the…
Updated wrong email in az-204 exam while scheduling exam
Hi Team, While scheduling my AZ-204 exam , I have updated wrong email id . Because of that I didn't got any mail. So can you please update my outlook email in scheduled exam.
Develop unit tests using GitHub Copilot tools module Knowledge Check error upon submitting
The Knowledge Check page of "Develop unit tests using GitHub Copilot tools" throws a "QuestionCountMismatch" error when submitting the answers. The called URL is…
Manage Agile software delivery plans across teams/ Exercise set up environment produces 404 error
Manage Agile software delivery plans across teams/ Exercise set up environment produces 404 error This question is related to the following Learning Module
Just to Share that some words should be changed in the learning module
In the Summary page, the sentence should be changed as the follow: From: In this module, you*'ll learn** how to:* To: In this module, you have learned how to: The Summary page is in the below training…
The answer was wrong
Learn/ Training/ Browse/ Implement knowledge mining with Azure AI Search/ Create a custom skill for Azure AI Search/ Knowledge check Question3 give the answer is 20%,but we got this hit which is " If you let the model automatically split…
Why the xercise in "Design an MVVM viewmodel for .NET MAUI" has not a backbutton
When I goto the detailpage, there is not a backbutton. This question is related to the following Learning Module
errors in Learn / Training / Browse / Create and understand classification models in machine learning
When running the exercise I get the following error messages: In the 2nd cell (Data Exploration) as well as the 7th cell: TypeError: this.Plotly.newPlot is not a function ... so the plots are not rendering. Thanks
Error received when attempting to create an AKS cluster
I am attempting to take a Learn course on Azure AKS ( and after executing a specified command, received the following error: joseph [ ~…
StatusCode: 500, ReasonPhrase: 'Internal Server Error', Version: 1.1, Content: System.Net.Http.HttpConnectionResponseContent, Headers:
Hello. Could you please help me? I trying to execute program from Microsoft Learn lesson Exercises/01-use-azure-ai-services ( I pick c# language. But after changings in appsettings.json file: …
Azure Sandbox is not working , can anyone please help here ? I have tried incognito window but it didn't work
Azure Sandbox is not working , can anyone please help here ? I have tried incognito window but it didn't work This question is related to the following Learning Module
Certification Training Benefits
Hi. Please I would like to ask a question about certification training benefits. Can we discuss further in private mode, please? Thank you.
no subscription in sandox
it says I have no subscription in sandbox so how would I complete my task for making a virtual machine in Azure learning path This question is related to the following Learning Module
Publish the Project leads to error
On this exercise in Exercise - Publish the result to the pipeline I publish the build to the pipeline by adding this to the Azure Pipeline file. - task: DotNetCoreCLI@2 displayName: 'Publish the project - Release' inputs: command: 'publish' …
English is not accepted as chosen language
Hi, I have chosen "English" in my Microsoft-Profile because the auto-translation of the documents into German decreased the quality and reliability. It even is in the Learn-Profile: The modules itself are now shown in english: ...but when I…
Where do I find use cases for each cloud model?
While going through the following training module "MicroSoft Azure Fundamentals: Describe cloud concepts", one of the learning objectives stated that we would, by the end of the course, be able to ... "Identify appropriate use cases for…
Brazor training module todos ambiguity - needs to be singular
@code { private List<TodoItem> todos = new(); } From throws an error. Making todo singular seems to fix the ambiguity. Am I missing something, or…
Error with Create Table USING DELTA LOCATION in training exercise
In the exercise the line of code spark.sql("CREATE TABLE AdventureWorks.ProductsExternal USING DELTA LOCATION…
Is it possible to create an azure function programmatically thru .NET and C# and creating through either Visual Studio UI nor Azure portal?
I want to know if it is possible to create a new Azure function programmatically through C# code + .NET app. Note: For my use case, I do not want to create the Azure function via (1) Azure portal (2) Using Visual Studio publish This question is related…