37 questions with Bing Spell Check-related tags

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1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

Assistance Required for Azure Bing Spell Check API Integration

Hi All, We are developing an application that utilizes the Azure Bing Spell Check API for text correction. The Bing API is accessed using an access token, which is generated using a Kubernetes service token. Below are the steps we have…

Bing Spell Check
Bing Spell Check
A Bing service that detects and corrects spelling mistakes in your app.
37 questions
Active Directory Federation Services
Active Directory Federation Services
An Active Directory technology that provides single-sign-on functionality by securely sharing digital identity and entitlement rights across security and enterprise boundaries.
1,295 questions
Microsoft Entra
asked 2025-02-17T17:18:58.84+00:00
Shivaji Shitole 125 Reputation points
accepted 2025-02-21T16:55:56.21+00:00
Shivaji Shitole 125 Reputation points
0 answers

Spell Check API Issues with Polish and Finnish Languages

We are currently using the Bing Spell Check API and have encountered some issues with spell correction in different languages. Below are the details of the problems we've observed: Polish (mode: spell, market code: pl-PL): Input: 'Spozywaja' Expected…

Bing Spell Check
Bing Spell Check
A Bing service that detects and corrects spelling mistakes in your app.
37 questions
asked 2024-09-24T05:59:32.2533333+00:00
Mahesh Amle 0 Reputation points
commented 2024-09-24T12:57:45.2166667+00:00
Mahesh Amle 0 Reputation points
1 answer

How to integrate a spell checker in my web application

Hi guys, I have an Angular based web application. I want to integrate a spell checker with medical dictionary. Does Microsoft provide any product for this purpose?

Bing Spell Check
Bing Spell Check
A Bing service that detects and corrects spelling mistakes in your app.
37 questions
asked 2024-08-22T13:59:57.6466667+00:00
Ali Akbar 0 Reputation points
answered 2024-08-25T20:36:27.6866667+00:00
YutongTie-MSFT 53,921 Reputation points
0 answers

Bing is not working for other languages as expected.

I have some text in the French which contains some spelling mistakes, and I am passing appropriate market code, but it is giving empty result. Please refer below details. Input text = '' À la base, la geastion de projet est une question de…

Bing Spell Check
Bing Spell Check
A Bing service that detects and corrects spelling mistakes in your app.
37 questions
asked 2024-08-13T12:36:26.0133333+00:00
Mahesh Amle 0 Reputation points
commented 2024-08-13T22:23:53.4433333+00:00
VasaviLankipalle-MSFT 18,566 Reputation points
0 answers

Bing not catch the expected corrections

I am sending below text to Bing spell check API and expecting the correction for 'their' should be 'they' but Bing doesn't provide any correction. Refer text = "RH was specifically designed for Marketing and Creative teams and the type of high…

Bing Spell Check
Bing Spell Check
A Bing service that detects and corrects spelling mistakes in your app.
37 questions
asked 2024-05-15T07:53:22.89+00:00
Mahesh Amle 0 Reputation points
commented 2024-07-01T11:08:35.0466667+00:00
Mahesh Amle 0 Reputation points
1 answer

BING Spellcheck api supported language for ES, ES419

Does BING Spellcheck support ES419 spellcheck? The reason I'm asking this is because, BING spellcheck query parameter document says "If known, you are encouraged to always specify the market. Specifying the market helps Bing route the request…

Bing Spell Check
Bing Spell Check
A Bing service that detects and corrects spelling mistakes in your app.
37 questions
asked 2024-06-25T11:01:33.2066667+00:00
Thomas Park 0 Reputation points
answered 2024-06-25T23:13:39.0866667+00:00
YutongTie-MSFT 53,921 Reputation points
1 answer

Bing spellcheck API does not work correctly for en-AU or en-GB

I'm trying to check the spelling using en-AU (or en-GB) and find that it is returning results based on en-US. For example, words like colour and specialise which are valid in AU / GB and not in US are returned as errors with the US spelling as…

Bing Spell Check
Bing Spell Check
A Bing service that detects and corrects spelling mistakes in your app.
37 questions
asked 2024-06-07T06:09:11.1033333+00:00
Alon Hirsch 0 Reputation points
commented 2024-06-11T00:27:00.9733333+00:00
Alon Hirsch 0 Reputation points
0 answers

spell check missing not finding misspelled words

I'm trying out Bing Spell Check (BSP). I POST a sentence with a misspelled word, and BSP does not find it. But if I POST just the misspelled word by itself, then BSP finds it. What's up with that?

Bing Spell Check
Bing Spell Check
A Bing service that detects and corrects spelling mistakes in your app.
37 questions
A cloud computing platform and infrastructure for building, deploying and managing applications and services through a worldwide network of Microsoft-managed datacenters.
1,113 questions
asked 2024-04-27T04:29:20.28+00:00
JediSQL 76 Reputation points
commented 2024-05-01T04:08:56.97+00:00
navba-MSFT 27,470 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
1 answer

The Bing Spellcheck API only returns empty results.

Hi, I've followed the instructions from the tutorial here Microsoft's Bing Spell Check API Tutorial to set up a project, then I tested it with A apple a day, keeps doctor away. Still, the spell check keeps returning the following empty result:…

Bing Spell Check
Bing Spell Check
A Bing service that detects and corrects spelling mistakes in your app.
37 questions
asked 2023-12-10T08:02:39.13+00:00
David Peng 0 Reputation points
answered 2024-01-03T05:48:18.4033333+00:00
navba-MSFT 27,470 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
1 answer

Is the Bing Spell Check API down?

Hello there, We've been experiencing issues with the "Bing Spell Check" API. Our system has been unable to connect to the "Bing Spell Check" since last Friday, and we're wondering if the API is currently down?When we attempt to…

Bing Spell Check
Bing Spell Check
A Bing service that detects and corrects spelling mistakes in your app.
37 questions
asked 2023-11-13T04:04:39.7866667+00:00
Vinci Software 0 Reputation points
commented 2023-11-20T01:22:35.6266667+00:00
YutongTie-MSFT 53,921 Reputation points
1 answer

how to fix this change in Bing Spell check API, it is now combined with bing search service

I am using this code provided by chatgpt to find spell check (grammar error). I came to know that Bing spell check is now (Bing Spellcheck is an API under Bing Search Service). Now that my endpoint shows this: How can I fix this and get this code…

Bing Web Search
Bing Web Search
A Bing service that gives you enhanced search details from billions of web documents.
175 questions
Bing Spell Check
Bing Spell Check
A Bing service that detects and corrects spelling mistakes in your app.
37 questions
Azure AI Search
Azure AI Search
An Azure search service with built-in artificial intelligence capabilities that enrich information to help identify and explore relevant content at scale.
1,206 questions
asked 2023-11-14T21:40:35.7033333+00:00
austin 0 Reputation points
commented 2023-11-17T06:05:17.6266667+00:00
navba-MSFT 27,470 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
1 answer

How to create Bing Spell Check API on Azure portal

I am trying to create Bing Spell Check services on Azure but i am unable to find it. Does that service still exist or it is not available?

Bing Spell Check
Bing Spell Check
A Bing service that detects and corrects spelling mistakes in your app.
37 questions
A cloud computing platform and infrastructure for building, deploying and managing applications and services through a worldwide network of Microsoft-managed datacenters.
1,113 questions
asked 2023-11-14T21:11:33.77+00:00
austin 0 Reputation points
commented 2023-11-17T06:04:34.8466667+00:00
navba-MSFT 27,470 Reputation points Microsoft Employee
1 answer

Build a full-text search experience with AI and semantic search

I have got an email about "Bing Search APIs will transition from Azure Cognitive Services to Azure Marketplace on 31 October 2023" and I have a Search Service which is Azure AI Services loading data from my database and create index of the…

Bing Web Search
Bing Web Search
A Bing service that gives you enhanced search details from billions of web documents.
175 questions
Bing Spell Check
Bing Spell Check
A Bing service that detects and corrects spelling mistakes in your app.
37 questions
Bing Custom Search
Bing Custom Search
An easy-to-use, ad-free, commercial-grade search tool that lets you deliver the results you want.
96 questions
Azure AI services
Azure AI services
A group of Azure services, SDKs, and APIs designed to make apps more intelligent, engaging, and discoverable.
3,189 questions
asked 2023-10-18T14:28:01.04+00:00
jeanrojas 0 Reputation points
commented 2023-10-20T07:54:06.7333333+00:00
YutongTie-MSFT 53,921 Reputation points
1 answer

I have a cognitive bing spellcheck API

Where can I create a bing spell check from azure marketplace. I do not see the option.

Bing Web Search
Bing Web Search
A Bing service that gives you enhanced search details from billions of web documents.
175 questions
Bing Spell Check
Bing Spell Check
A Bing service that detects and corrects spelling mistakes in your app.
37 questions
asked 2023-10-18T15:17:57.3633333+00:00
jeanrojas 0 Reputation points
answered 2023-10-18T23:46:41.4866667+00:00
YutongTie-MSFT 53,921 Reputation points
0 answers

some questions about spellcheck

I use api spellcheck , the status code is success ,but the flaggedTokens doesn't has value the response head still is 'BingAPIs-Market: zh-CN' ,but I set parameter mkt=en-US Hope Get your help,thanks. the code: string text="bill gatas"; …

Bing Spell Check
Bing Spell Check
A Bing service that detects and corrects spelling mistakes in your app.
37 questions
asked 2023-10-10T02:42:49.3366667+00:00
事必达 0 Reputation points
commented 2023-10-11T08:34:39.5366667+00:00
YutongTie-MSFT 53,921 Reputation points
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

I would like for my command to repeat through each row, at the moment it only runs on 1 row

I have the current VBA Sub Subtract() cPart = Sheet3.Range("a2, a1000") cQty = Sheet3.Range("b2, b1000") 'loop lastrow = Sheet1.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).row For i = 2 To lastrow If Sheet1.Cells(i, 1) = cPart Then …

Microsoft 365
Microsoft 365
Formerly Office 365, is a line of subscription services offered by Microsoft which adds to and includes the Microsoft Office product line.
5,765 questions
Bing Spell Check
Bing Spell Check
A Bing service that detects and corrects spelling mistakes in your app.
37 questions
Windows 10
Windows 10
A Microsoft operating system that runs on personal computers and tablets.
12,077 questions
A family of Microsoft spreadsheet software with tools for analyzing, charting, and communicating data.
2,175 questions
Not Monitored
Not Monitored
Tag not monitored by Microsoft.
42,426 questions
asked 2023-10-02T13:47:17.27+00:00
Roberto 20 Reputation points
commented 2023-10-04T02:43:27.4066667+00:00
Barry Schwarz 3,651 Reputation points
1 answer One of the answers was accepted by the question author.

No Bing Spelling Suggestions for Hebrew Strings

I have tried using the Bing Spellcheck API for Hebrew and it has never once returned a single suggestion or result when trying to query with Hebrew strings. I have tested English, French, Italian and all of these seem to be working as intended. Here is…

Bing Spell Check
Bing Spell Check
A Bing service that detects and corrects spelling mistakes in your app.
37 questions
asked 2023-07-24T06:53:27.1933333+00:00
Jordan A 20 Reputation points
commented 2023-08-28T04:08:52.9533333+00:00
Jordan A 20 Reputation points
1 answer

Advanced editor options in the new outlook

Hello, Since we have the opportunity to try the new outlook at my office, our users seems to not find a few options. For instance, one used the editor options to autocorrect "cdlt" in "cordialement". It was possible to manages the…

Bing Spell Check
Bing Spell Check
A Bing service that detects and corrects spelling mistakes in your app.
37 questions
A family of Microsoft email and calendar products.
4,503 questions
asked 2023-08-10T08:22:12.6333333+00:00
DUVAL Joffrey 0 Reputation points
edited a comment 2023-08-22T01:42:49.66+00:00
ChristyZhang-MSFT 25,461 Reputation points Microsoft External Staff
0 answers

Bing Spell Check API doesn't return any results on Google App Engine

Hi, After running the same code locally and on Google App Engine, I've realized that Bing Spell Check API doesn't return any results on Google App Engine. Instead, the response is always: {"_type": "SpellCheck",…

Bing Spell Check
Bing Spell Check
A Bing service that detects and corrects spelling mistakes in your app.
37 questions
asked 2023-06-23T15:22:28.4966667+00:00
Timothee 0 Reputation points
commented 2023-06-25T06:43:53.6966667+00:00
Timothee 0 Reputation points
2 answers

My website has been penalized by Bing for a few days. How can I get my website back on Bing faster?

I have made a website for about a month, it has been indexed according to the rules of Bing webmaster. The website is no longer visible on bing My [https://crackstreams.ink/]> site url doesn't come up when I search it so far my bing webmaster tool…

Bing Web Search
Bing Web Search
A Bing service that gives you enhanced search details from billions of web documents.
175 questions
Bing Spell Check
Bing Spell Check
A Bing service that detects and corrects spelling mistakes in your app.
37 questions
Bing Visual Search
Bing Visual Search
A Bing service that gives you rich insights to help build compelling image applications on the device of your choice.
28 questions
Bing Custom Search
Bing Custom Search
An easy-to-use, ad-free, commercial-grade search tool that lets you deliver the results you want.
96 questions
Windows 10 Compatibility
Windows 10 Compatibility
Windows 10: A Microsoft operating system that runs on personal computers and tablets.Compatibility: The extent to which hardware or software adheres to an accepted standard.
489 questions
asked 2023-05-06T19:12:46.86+00:00
beke bro 0 Reputation points
accepted 2023-05-20T17:51:39.1366667+00:00
beke bro 0 Reputation points