MAUI: Firebase Analytics iOS.
I'm trying to configure the Firebase in my library project, but when the sample project references the library project, I get an error when compiling. (Not when compiling the library, but the project.) I'm using Xamarin.Firebase.iOS.Analytic and…
"Missing Info.plist value. The Info.plist key 'BGTaskSchedulerPermittedIdentifiers' must contain a list of identifiers used to submit and handle tasks when 'UIBackgroundModes' has a value of 'processing'
I am trying to upload my maui ios app on transporter and getting this error: what i have tried so far is <key>BGTaskSchedulerPermittedIdentifiers</key> <array> <string>$(PRODUCT_BUNDLE_IDENTIFIER)</string> …
MAUI: How to update the webview height after loading new content
I want to implement the below UI in my MAUI application (header and footer sections are not added): Below is my code (header and footer sections are not added): Webview to show HTML content(with a background image), Audio frame with previous, play and…
Blank space is showing after webview when loading new content in MAUI
I want to create a UI with a Label(title), image(saint image) and a webview(to show HTMl content). When scroll I want to scroll the entire item, not the webview contents only. After all these I need a section to show the audio player with previous, next…
Dirty log in login
Hi, I used log4net. When login I got this errors in the log, what it come from? Thanks. 2025-03-12 15:25:00,516 [1] ERROR GssdDesktopClient.Maui.ViewModels.LoginViewModel - LoginCommand System.InvalidOperationException: PlatformView cannot be null here …
Publish - Move to Framework Independent did not work
Hi, I have MAUI app in .NET 9. When making setup with installshield i first install dotnet runtime 9. and later include Maui app + WPF app + stand alone app- log decoder in one setup. The app call in runtime to WPF application using Process Info…
Publishing MAUI Project on Windows: Grayed Out Option
I want to publish my MAUI project on the Windows platform, but the publishing option is grayed out. What steps can be taken to resolve this issue? Here's my C# project configuration: <Project…
I have a program where the MainPage contains a menu: <TableView Intent="Menu"> <TableRoot> <TableSection> <TextCell Text="Welcome" …
.NET MAUI iOS Release Build Requires Developer Mode to be Enabled on Physical Device
I have developed a .NET MAUI iOS application and successfully created an .ipa file using a release certificate and provisioning profile. However, when attempting to install the app on a physical device, I encounter the following error: "This app…
Selected Item Binding is not working for the Picker.
Hello, I had picker, I want to explicitly bind the selected item. I mean before the user selection iteself i want to display an item in the picker. here is my picker. <Picker x:Name="languageSelectionPicker" …
Picker.Focus() Not working in Windows - MAUI
Hello, I had a layout, Basically on tapping on that layout, I want to focus my picker. Unfortunately. picker.focus() is not working. Thanks.
How to detect the flyout Open and Close in MAUI
I would like to detect the flyout open and closing event
Unable to debug in Mac in Code
I have a Macbook with OS Sequoria. Xcode version 16.2. When I tried installing MAUI .NET 9.0.200 and tried debugging in VS Code. I got the below error: System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path…
. net maui uses Microsoft Data.SqlClients encountered an exception when directly connecting to SQL Server
Microsoft.Data.SqlClient.SqlException (0x80131904): Successfully established a connection with the server, but an error occurred during the login process。 (provider: TCP provider, error: 0 - Success) HttpClient can be accessed normally SQL Server has not…
Error loading font 'Assets/Fonts/Segoe UI.ttf'. on log
Hi, I have this error when running the MAUI as exe. I do not have this fonts on my app in RESOURCES/FONTS and not resister it. 2025-03-13 11:57:26,921 [1] ERROR Microsoft.Maui.FontManager - Error loading font 'Assets/Fonts/Segoe…
Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2022 (64-bit) - Preview Version 17.14.0 Preview 2.0 will no longer compile my MAUI app
After upgrading to preview 2, I cannot build my MAUI app. Visual Studio Output says: To build this project, the following workloads must be installed: wasm-tools-net8 To install these workloads, run the following command: dotnet workload restore But…
Why MAUI app as Exe is big
Hi, Why MAUI app as exe is big on windows? it can be solved Please see ? Thanks,
Fonts become italic
Hi, In Maui template we have: fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Regular.ttf", "OpenSansRegular"); fonts.AddFont("OpenSans-Semibold.ttf", "OpenSansSemibold"); Later I publish the app as exe. When I create setup with…
Highlighting text within a editor
Hi, I'm using .Net 9 with MAUI. Highlighting text within a editor. The highlight is not released. Remains highlighted even after selecting other text. <telerik:RadBorder Grid.Row="2" Grid.Column ="0" …
How to create Custom Themed Toggle Switch [Switch Class] (Microsoft.Maui.Controls)?
How can we design a custom themed toggle switch in .NET Maui with .NET 9; As we know we can do it using C# to design the switch and call it in XAML If somebody knows, please share your thoughts on this topic. For reference I have shared two links of…