Event Hub from another Subscription not visible for IoT Hub data route endpoints
Im trying to pass telemetry data from an IoT Hub to an event hub residing in another subscription, under same tenant/directory. I have created a managed identity, and assigned both services to the identity with Subscription-level Owner roles and…
Some questions with the Azure kafka service
we want use Azure kafka service, some questions need your help : Azure kafka is Confluent Cloud kafka? what's difference with Apache Kafka? Is support cross-region? What configuration is needed to support cross-region? Does it support native Kafka…
I have an application which sends table data from ibmias400 tables . How to collect messages and process it according to table names from messages and load it into delta parquet files/SQL tables and use it for reporting purposes?
I have an application which sends table data from ibmias400 tables . How to collect messages and process it according to table names from messages and load it into delta parquet files/SQL tables and use it for reporting purposes?
Inquiry Regarding Expiration of Azure Event Hub RootManageSharedAccessKey
Hi All, When I create an Azure Event Hub, a Shared Access Policy named RootManageSharedAccessKey is automatically created. I would like to confirm whether the access key within this policy has an expiration date, or if it is permanent Thank you.
unrecognized arguments: --eventhub-name
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/event-hubs/event-hubs-get-connection-string#azure-cli has --namespace-name xxx in the instructions, but when I try it on my desktop or in cloud shell, I get this error: unrecognized arguments: --eventhub-name xxx
IoT Hub Continues to Send Events After Device Deletion
Hi Everyone, I have an issue with IoT Hub, Could you help ? Events such as TwinChangeEvents and DeviceLifecycleEvents are routed from IoT Hub to Event Hub. However, after deleting the deviceId (S5_U0_15312) created in 2016, IoT Hub still sends…
View Events shows error - At least one receiver for the endpoint is created with epoch of '6'.
What is the meaning of this error and how can I resolve it? I get this error when I use "View Events" option in the "Data Explorer" in the Event Hub instance. "At least one receiver for the endpoint is created with epoch of '6',…
Azure EvenHub integration with Elasticsearch
Hello, I want to send the events on the Event Hub or Azure Service Bus to Elastic (installed on an Azure VM). There are two integrations that I found - Azure Event Hub Integration and Azure Logstash Integration. Can you help me understand how to make a…
Can't create event schema using bicep file
There is no API to create schema for a schema group. The expected code as following, resource schema 'Microsoft.EventHub/namespaces/schemagroups/schemas@2024-05-01-preview' = { parent: schemaGroup name: schemaName properties: { …
How to set up capture to AzureStorage from EventHub Avro type files
Hi, I am trying to set up Avro files capture for EventHub to be stored on Azure Storage. I have a container, granted access to it as a Storage Contributor to aforementioned EventHub. When saving, I am getting all the time Not sure if anything is wrong…
i'm using azure function and eventhub trigger so if there is any exception comes during the processing the event then offset commit or checkpointing will handled by azure function runtime or it is handled manually.
i'm using azure function and eventhub trigger so if there is any exception comes during the processing the event then offset commit or checkpointing will be handled by azure function runtime or we have to handled it manually. (if exception is throws…
Does Azure Notification Hub Support iOS VoIP Push Notifications?
I am using the paid service of Azure Notification Hub to send regular push notifications and VoIP push notifications. Regular push notifications are working fine for both Android and iOS. However, VoIP push notifications are not functioning on iOS. I…
Event Processor Client - Invalid Offset Error
I'm encountering an issue with the EventProcessorClient in Azure Event Hubs. Specifically, I'm receiving the following error when trying to process events: The supplied offset '38655200720' is invalid. The last offset in the system is '8590386784'.…
Fluidframework/azure-client token provider
I'm testing fluid relay for the first time, on a sample dice roll. The deployment is not working showing timeout errors, how to fix the error? and also I hope someone can answer these doubts If more than 150 users are available, how will it be…
How-to enable auto create topics for Azure Event Hub - Kafka
Hi. Some tools we use needs to have auto create topic enabled for Kafka, is that possible to configure when using Kafka with Event Hubs?
Can Eventhub management endpoints return json (in stead of xml)
When querying fore some status information like described here (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/eventhub/list-consumer-groups) i get a XML response. I've tried with a request accept header requesting json (Accept: application/json), but…
Event Hubs: Return errors of REST API as JSON
When sending successfully JSON events to Azure Event Hubs REST API (https://<NAMESPACE>.servicebus.windows.net/<INSTANCE>/messages), it returns code 201 and no text. With e.g. a missspelled instance name in the URL or an ill-formed Shared…
Publishing to event hub via rest API is slow from ADF web activity
Publishing to message via rest api event hub using managed identity from dedicated integration runtime. Event Hub is premium with auto scale and there is enough TU. Messages are being sent one at a time. Each call takes 3 to 15 seconds to publish…
How to configure TLS 1.3 for Service Bus and Event Hub
As per below documentation, TLS 1.3 is enabled for Service bus and Event hubs, but TLS 1.3 option is not available in Configuration page of those resources. Also we are still able to select TLS 1.0 and 1.1 while creating new resources. How do we…
Intergrate Azure Schema Registry with Azure Service Bus
In the documentation it is mentioned that "In spite of being hosted in Azure Event Hubs, the schema registry can be used universally with all Azure messaging services and any other message or events broker". I believe that then with Azure…