MAUI Blazor hybrid - Windows MSIX packaging - Unable to set start menu folder
I am new to MSIX packaging so if this is a naïve question I apologise. I have tried to set the start menu folder of the application shortcut for my latest MAUI-Blazor hybrid app as part of the MSIX package. I have followed the guidance in Group…
Blazor: Working with static files that may be cached
I am working a Blazor WASM application. Lately, I have faced an issue where the updated static file, in this case a .json file, is not being read properly. I have the static file under the wwwroot folder in my Client project. My Server project is…
Bootstrap Issues Blazor.
I have two issues with this code a)The placeholders in the textboxes are not being displayed. b)A distortion appears in Samsung Galaxy (Android) but not on Windows, I included Bootstrap but still it doesn't work. Here is the reference from Index.html …
Add Or Change Identity Claims In .Net 8 Blazor Web App
Hi, In Create New Blazor Web App Project : Check => Individual Check => .Net 8 Check => Auto Interactivew and in ApplicationUser.cs I add a property for use full name { public sting Fullname { get; set; } } but in components i want show…
How to publish a blazor website with sql sever that is giving the error HTTP Error 500.30 - ASP.NET Core app failed to start
hi, im trying to publish my blazor web app on azure however it fives me the error HTTP Error 500.30 - ASP.NET Core app failed to start. when i try to debug it and go into the diagnose page of the websever i get this error…
How to Persist SignalR Broadcasted Data on Blazor Server Page After Navigation?
Hello, I am broadcasting measurement data from an API and persisting it in a database. [ApiController] [Route("api/[controller]")] public class MeasurementsController : ControllerBase { private readonly IHubContext<WeighingHub>…
How to Decouple Front-End from Back-End with Secure APIs for User Management in Blazor Web App (.NET 8)
Hello, I'm used to creating Blazor Web App projects in .NET 8 with "individual accounts" and interactive render mode set to Auto, with per-page interactivity. The advantage of this setup is that all the account management mechanics are…
Getting Windows username in Blazor .Net 8 server app
Hi I'm new to Blazor and really to .Net Core also. I have the Visual Studio 2022 generated Blazor .Net 8 server app and need to access the username of the user logged into Windows from within the razor pages. I've perused the internet and tried…
How to fine tune SignalR connection in Blazor Server?
Hello there, I am trying to read data from a weight measurement device and send data to a server instantly with SignalR. The architecture consists of a console application that collects the measurement data and an ASP.NET Core API with a hub that…
How to place appsettings.json in RCL project to be consumed by Configuration of blazor wasm app
I have a strategy to share App.razor from RCL project with Blazor hosting apps like Blazor Webassembly standalone app as a front-end app and Blazor hybrid apps as native apps. I placed all assets into a RCL project(RCL) including appsettings.json file in…
Error RZ10012 when adding a component in blazor
Hello, I'm trying to learn Blazor with a youtube video. I have this page : MainLayout.razor @inherits LayoutComponentBase <div class="page"> <div class="sidebar"> <NavMenu /> </div> …
HTML Page for Intersecting lines with 4 textboxes for MAUI Blazor App
<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <meta charset="UTF-8"> <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> <title>Vertical Angles with…
Asking for suggestions on how to proceed with no FKs
I am at the beginning of re-writing an old ASP.NET WebForms application, into an ASP.NET Core app using Razor and Blazor. The difficult step I am facing now is the database. The original developers, all who left before I was hired, had originally used…
Help to filter in TreeView
Hi, I've a blazor hybrid maui application and I have put the treeview. I have created a service to search for files in the tree structure and a text input for the search. My problem is that when I select a file in the search zone the nodes are filtered…
MAUI -- Another user has already installed an unpackaged version of this app. The current user cannot replace this with a packaged version.
I'm running into an issue with a commercial Maui app I'm working on. Essentially, we have multiple developers working on this application over RDP, none of which have administrative privileges. What happens is that when one user builds and debugs, anyone…
How to detect user's inactiveness in Blazor server app
We are developing a Blazor Server App, with no single line of JS written so far. This may be a basic question. My question is how to detect the user's inactiveness on Blazor server app and prompt them to either continue or logout or simply log…
Using Blazor, AD B2C and API Manager
Hi, I am using Azure AD B2C to secure my Blazor app and API’s. I have APIM fronting a set of Azure Fuctions. I can authenticate the user ok, using the MsalAuthentication class (well, the builder.Services.AddMsalAuthentication method). As it…
Blazor Server with Entity Framework Core Code First
Hello, we are currently evaluating the usability of Entity Framework Core Code First in a Blazor Server application. We try to migrate from a Database First approach where we created a DbContext instance (by a IDbContextFactory) per database…
Why is the blazor css isolation not working?
I have an AppLogin.razor component and its css file is AppLogin.razor.css. They are working fine. I have a UserLogin.razor component and its css file is UserLogin.razor.css. The working mechanism is as follows When you login from the AppLogin.razor…
Blazor App Redirecting API response to login page
I am building a Blazor Server app on .NET. The app was started using the Visual Studio .NET8 Web template for Blazor server with individual authentication turned on. In the second step, I added an API controller to the app, with the [Authorize]…