Unable to disable Azure Notifications Hub Availability Zone for new namespace in specific regions
Both https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/azure-docs/blob/main/articles/reliability/reliability-notification-hubs.md and https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/reliability/reliability-notification-hubs describe availability zones as an optional feature for…
Notifications continue to send after deleting an installation
Notifications continue to send after deleting an installation can we get help on this please
Availability zone enabled for notification hub even when explicitly disabled
I created a notification hub without availability zone: It started a deployment with zoneRedudancy Disabled: Then it create a notification hub with availability zones enabled: How to deploy a notification hub with the parameter I requested ?
How to link a currently existing Azure app with a newly register microsoft dev center application to gain access to wns services.
Hi, I am trying to register for push notifications using the sample provided at the official windows github. I could not get access to the company infrastructure and needed to register my own. In order to add wns to my azure subscription i need a…

Apple Push Notification Service Server Certificate Update
Hello, we have a Mobile App that uses Azure Notification Hub and APN for iOS push notification, and we received an email from Apple regarding "Action Required: Apple Push Notification Service Server Certificate Update. We’re reaching out with a…
Windows App SDK Push Notifications Mapping Request is not processed
I followed the instructions here to send a Windows App SDK Push Notifications Mapping Request to Win_App_SDK_Push@microsoft.com 21 days ago, but I haven't received a completion notification yet.I see this question has been asked before and received an…
Apple Push Notification Service Server Certificate Update
Hello Microsoft team, Currently we use the APNS service on Azure Notification Hub, and there is an email from apple that there is a needed update on the server certificate. Will you make some changes on your end to update the certificate? do we need to…
Apple Push Notification Service Server Certificate Update
Our App uses Azure Notification Hub and APN for iOS push notification, and we received Email from Apple regarding "Action Required: Apple Push Notification Service Server Certificate Update". In the email, it mentioned "We’re reaching out…
Clarification on Apple Push Notification Service (APNs) Server Certificate Update 2025 for Azure Notification Hub
Hello Microsoft Team, We are currently using Apple Push Notification Service (APNs) through Azure Notification Hub. We recently received an email from Apple stating that the Certification Authority (CA) for APNs is changing and that an update to the…
Invalid WNS credentials error when setting up new notification hub
I am running into problems while configuring the WNS settings for my new Notification hub. On step #3 of "Configure WNS settings for the hub" I'm getting an…
Apple Push Notifications Service server certificate update Jan 2025
Hi everyone! Recently, Apple announced an APNS server certificate update. Am I right that we don't have to update our APNS certificates issued by Apple and uploaded to Azure Notification hub project for the APNS; Azure team will update the…
Unable to Receive Push Notifications in .NET MAUI After Migrating from Xamarin with Azure Notification Hub and Firebase FCM
Hello I am in the process of migrating an application from Xamarin to .NET MAUI, and I am using .NET 8 for MAUI development. Previously, I used Azure Notification Hub in combination with Firebase FCM v1 token to send push notifications. Everything was…
I am unable to add my new FCM v1 credentials to the azure notification hub, it responds with Invalid Firebase Credentials
I have an existing notification hub that has been using the legacy FCM server key. I'm trying to update it to use the newer FCM v1 credentials. I've created the correct service account and enabled Firebase Cloud Messaging API (V1) in the google…
App store APNS certificate update.
We are using windows notification hub for ios . We got below message for App store regarding APNS certificate update. Hello, As we announced in October, the Certification Authority (CA) for Apple Push Notification service (APNs) is changing. APNs will…
Apple Push Notification services (APNs) is changing.
Hi. I received an email yesterday for apple developer. The email said Apple is going to change the Certification Authority (CA) for Apple Push Notifications services (APNs) in** sandbox and Production** environment. We use Azure Notification Hubs with…
push notifications not working with Azure Notification Hubs and Google Firebase Cloud Messaging migration
I have developed ionic capacitor app for push notifications with recent changes Azure Notification Hubs and Google Firebase Cloud Messaging migration all the setup according to documentation provided but i could not see my device is registerd over the…
Reset App registration for WNS setup (Push Notification for Windows App)
I am trying to set up WNS for a Windows app following the official guide (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/notification-hubs/notification-hubs-windows-store-dotnet-get-started-wns-push-notification#create-an-app-in-windows-store). The issue arises…
Error Sending FCM v1 Notification: "The notification has no target applications"
I'm using Google Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) v1 API to send notifications. I have configured my project with the following details: Private Key Client Email Project ID Response : { "message": "Error sending notification: The…
Issues in Notification Hub
I have use Google (FCM v1) i have added Private key , Client Email and Project IT But it give " Response body Download { "message": "Error sending notification: The notification has no target applications. The notification format…
Azure Notification Hubs Browser Push
With the latest SDK - it is not possible to implement the sample code MS has given in the below URL. Am I correct in thinking that we will have to wait on a newer SDK release of Microsoft.Azure.Notificationhubs because …