@Jaroslav Vacek I don't think same account can be used. You can try below steps to resolve the issue:
- Start the Synchronization Service Manager (START → Synchronization Service). Sync Service Manager.
- Go to the Connectors tab.
- Select the AD Connector that corresponds to your on-premises AD. If you have more than one AD connector, repeat the following steps for each of them.
- Under Actions, select Properties.
- In the pop-up dialog, select Connect to Active Directory Forest.
- Enter the password of the new AD DS account in the Password textbox.
- Click OK to save the new password and close the pop-up dialog.
- Start a new PowerShell session on the Azure AD Connect server.
- Run cmdlet Add-ADSyncAADServiceAccount.
- In the pop-up dialog, provide the Azure AD Global admin credentials for your Azure AD tenant.
- If it is successful, you will see the PowerShell command prompt.
- Restart Microsoft Azure AD Sync service.
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