Hi all,
I’m here because I’ve some help after spends few days to try to find a solution. I try to explain my issue. I’ve created an ARM Template in order to be used to create a VM in Dev Test Lab and install some arifacts directly. However, it seems impossible to install some artifacts, because when it tries to connect to internet (Chocolatey)
I’ve an error (alidating parameters. Configuring PowerShell session. Ensuring latest Chocolatey version is installed. ERROR: Exception calling \"DownloadString\" with \"1\" argument(s): \"The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel. The artifact failed to apply.)
After configuring tls in Powershell, I’m able to install any artifact however during the installation it seems impossible to configure this part. How can I bypass this “issue”? Any idea?
Thanks a lot for your reply’s.
To finish, please find here my vm details:
Server : Windows Server 2016
DataCenter with .NET Core 2.2 Size:
Best Regards
JP Fernandes