Taken offline and found that During 8/31 02:00UTC ~ 8/31 06:00UTC there was an Azure Service Bus outage that impacts flow processing in Forms service.
For the Forms responses submitted during the outage, the flow did not automatically trigger for these submitted responses after the outage. There's no way to make the flow trigger automatically for the Form responses during the outage within the original flow - the original flow will only be triggered when there's a new response submission. But there're ways to workaround.
The basic idea is: re-run the flow actions for the form responses which didn't trigger the original flow.
- Duplicate the original flow.
- Replace the trigger with "Manually trigger a flow", add a number input;
- In "Get response details" action, replace the field in "ResponseId" with the number input of above trigger, and click "Save".
- Then click "Run". In the "ResponseId" field, the customer can enter the ID of the responses which didn't trigger the original flow.
- The response ID can be found on form's "Responses" page, via exported Excel or click "View results" button.