I resolved it. Instead of adding a new web app deployment step - which was causing issue. I cloned the properly working step and changed the target web app. And it worked without any issue.
Error : Click Authorize to configure an Azure service connection. A new Azure service principal will be created and added to the Contributor role.

Reputation points MVP
I am getting this error while configuring Azure Web App deployment. The build pipeline already contains a web app deployment, I am trying to add one more.
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SnehaAgrawal-MSFT 22,346 Reputation points
2020-01-31T11:15:59.977+00:00 Thanks for asking question! It looks like you don’t have the required permissions on the AAD, and thus you are not able to configure.
Please refer to the below link might be helpful:https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service/overview-authentication-authorization
Let me know if issue persists.