Hello @Sathish Surendran ,
Thanks for the question and using MS Q&A platform.
As per this statement 'When i upload the file(parquet)manually, event trigger is working as expected, adf pipeline is getting triggered.' my understanding is that you have configured your event trigger correctly hence the pipeline is being triggered when a file is manually uploaded. But issue is only when the file is being uploaded by your spark application/service. This gives me a hint that your spark application/service is not invoking correct storage API's while generating/dropping the file in storage location.
Usually when a BlogTrigger is created, ADF will create an EventGrid subscription with the storage account. Once a blob is created, storage service will raise an event that will reach ADF and trigger the execution. Storage service will raise events based on the API calls that are being invoked when the blob is created. In particular the Flush API is needed to complete the blob creation. If your spark application/service is not invoking the correct APIs, storage service will not raise the event and there is nothing we can do on ADF side.
Hence I would recommend you to investigate your spark application/service and ensure that it's calling the Flush API to create an event to the Event Grid.
To get a better understanding of List of events for Blob REST APIs, I would recommend you to please refer to this doc: Azure Blob Storage as an Event Grid source
Hope this will help. Please let us know if any further queries.
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