Good day @jlawlor ,
Let's start from the most important point: You used the tag "azure-sql-database", but the fact is that your question is not (directly) related to the Azure Database but to developers section. Using this tag will probably not lead to the experts who can help you, since this tag is used for questions that directly related to the Azure Database - Data Platform Experts and NOT developers.
Your question better fit for categories like "Azure App Services". I did not find this exact tag, but maybe one of these will fit: [azure-app-configuration] or [azure-webapps]
IN the meantime, let me go over your message and add some points which might help you
Is there a way to host the split-merge tool in a modern app service?
The Elastic split-merge tool is a type of "Azure Cloud Services" and not "Azure App Services". There is no notion of a Cloud Service with ARM, if this is what you mean by "modern app service".
quote from docs: The split-merge is delivered as a customer-hosted service. You must deploy and host the service in your Microsoft Azure subscription... The split-merge service package includes a worker role and a web role.
So... The docs clear this as well I think
The example is using the old cloud service setup to host the service. I haven't seen any guidance on how to host the service as a modern app service.
Same comment as above
After exploring the split-merge Powershell and .Net Assembly APIs, it appears the service is required and there is no way to by pass it.
Exactly :-)
The service of the cloud services is required, since this is the tool. The split-merge tool is a cloud services.
Because CSP subscriptions do not allow cloud service (classic) services, we will not be able to use the split-merge tool. Hopefully, Microsoft will upgrade this tool to an app service someday.
You should open a feedback in the Microsoft UserVoice system and maybe in the future Microsoft will add another tool which is based on App Services. In order to post your request go to this link: