I try to use azure cli to create mysql flexible server
I use the following commands:
az group create -n mysql -l westus
az mysql flexible-server create -n mysqlsql -g mysql -l westus -u mysqlsqlmy -p my1sql+my -d mysql --public-access all --tier Burstable --sku-name Standard_B1ms --storage-size 32 --version 8.0.21
then I get (InternalServerError) An unexpected error occured while processing the request
the full output is:
Command group 'mysql flexible-server' is in preview and under development. Reference and support levels: https://aka.ms/CLI_refstatus
Checking the existence of the resource group 'mysql'...
Resource group 'mysql' exists ? : True
IOPS is 396 which is either your input or free(maximum) IOPS supported for your storage size and SKU.
Creating MySQL Server 'mysqlsql' in group 'mysql'...
Your server 'mysqlsql' is using sku 'Standard_B1ms' (Paid Tier). Please refer to https://aka.ms/mysql-pricing for pricing details
Configuring server firewall rule to accept connections from '' to ''...
Creating MySQL database 'mysql'...
(InternalServerError) An unexpected error occured while processing the request. Tracking ID: 'bc44fc6f-f193-4efc-9448-f9b798b0b4e3'