We tried archiving some old data, set all the right folders en times correct, as standard what you do to archive.
This is the error message:
Er kan geen verbinding tot stand worden gebracht met de server met openbare mappen. ( no connection to the server with shared folders)
13:22:18 [8004010F-501-0-0]
13:22:18 De clientbewerking is mislukt.
13:22:18 Informatiearchief van Microsoft Exchange
Er kan geen verbinding tot stand worden gebracht met de server met openbare mappen. ( no connection to the server with shared folders)
13:22:18 [8004010F-501-0-0]
13:22:18 De clientbewerking is mislukt. (The client operation failed.)
13:22:18 Informatiearchief van Microsoft Exchange (Information archive Exchange from Microsoft Exchange)
Gereed (ready)
Now the archive files is empty and 90% of the emails ar missing.
Is there a way to undo this?