Unfortunately many shipping apps call OutputDebugString, even parts of Office, Windows and Visual Studio. The output is for their own developers but the end result is that Debug View gets spammed and anything I want to emit there is easily lost in the noise. From time to time during my career at Microsoft I have opened bugs against them and some are fixed but others appear, so, it's a fact of life. The usual way to find your own debug output in the clutter is to include some magic marker in the strings, and filter everything else out. For example, to start all output with "###" or suchlike. Needless to say this is clumsy and requires modifying the code. Another option is filter by PID, but that changes each time. Instead, Debug View should allow filtering by process name. My test app always has the same name. The process ID is on DEBUG_EVENT already. Can you add this? It would make my life a lot easier.