How to get R console output log in Azure
I hosted an R shiny application in the Azure portal (as an app service using docker image in linux), due to some reason the tool is getting crashed hence I want to see the R output log (error message) in Azure portal to understand what is happening in the azure portal
I have STDOUT & STDERR messages in my R code to print logs
help me to get the actual R console output
Approaches i followed :
1 ) I tried to get the logs from az container
when I try to get the logs (in azure cloud shell) using
az container logs --resource-group myResourceGroup --name mycontainer1
Im not able to get any STDOUT or STDERR messages in the log file
2) i have enabled the application logs for my webapp
Im getting only the container is ready to serve request message ;
example: 2020-05-19T18:42:55.211Z INFO - Container sampleapp_0_454e9521 for site sampleapp initialized successfully and is ready to serve requests
Note: I want to see only the R console outputs (error and warning messages from R)