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Yes, Azure Load Balancer has a default idle timeout setting of approximately four minutes (230 sec); this is a general idle request timeout that will cause clients to get disconnected after 230 seconds. However, the command will still continue running server-side after that. For a typical scenario, this is generally a reasonable response time limit for a web request. In such scenarios, you could look at async methods to run additional reports. WebJobs or Azure Functions is another option.
If ‘Always On’ config is not turned On, please do turn it on. The AlwaysOn would help keep the app loaded even when there's no traffic, it will send a request to the ROOT of your application. Whatever file is delivered when a request is made to / is the one which will be warmed up and this feature comes with the App Service Plan is not charged separately.
You can configure the amount of time the platform will wait before it restarts your container. To do so, set the WEBSITES_CONTAINER_START_TIME_LIMIT app setting to the value you want. The default value is 230 seconds, and the maximum value is 1800 seconds.
"value": 1800