Hi @Demougin, Matthew W , I understand that you have a requirement to disable storage account keys. However, your Azure Functions stop working when you disable storage account keys.
By default, function apps configure the AzureWebJobsStorage
connection as a connection string stored in the AzureWebJobsStorage application setting, but you can also configure AzureWebJobsStorage to use an identity-based connection without a secret.
Caution: Other components in Functions rely on AzureWebJobsStorage
for default behaviors. You should not move it to an identity-based connection if you are using older versions of extensions that do not support this type of connection, including triggers and bindings for Azure Blobs, Event Hubs, and Durable Functions. Similarly, AzureWebJobsStorage
is used for deployment artifacts when using server-side build in Linux Consumption, and if you enable this, you will need to deploy via an external deployment package.
In addition, your function app might be reusing AzureWebJobsStorage
for other storage connections in their triggers, bindings, and/or function code. Make sure that all uses of AzureWebJobsStorage
are able to use the identity-based connection format before changing this connection from a connection string.
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