Hi Qiong,
Have a read through this
I haven't analysed your dmp file. However, the below looks relevant.
"0x4 Time-out value, in seconds. The thread currently holding onto the Plug-and-Play (PnP) lock. nt!TRIAGE_9F_PNP. The power state transition timed out waiting to synchronize with the PnP subsystem."
Based on your decription, I would start my suspecting Clash (again, I haven't looked at the dump file, it is just a gut feeling with no other basis - I have no experience with clash). If the article and/or dump supports the clash theory, or even if you just want to try it, then ....
- See if there is an updated version of clash. If so update to the latest version and see if problem reoccurrs
- Try Uniinstalling Clash (complete removal from system) and see if the problem reoccurrs.
Good luck