Container app traffic restriction
In trying to strengthen the security on a resource group (containing app services, container apps and other resources) I tried to further secure the container apps with a network security group. However, it seems like this is no longer possible as the container apps are already up and running, and we would have needed to create a vnet when creating them, which was not the case. Alright. So I tried to go the route of restricting which IPs are allowed to access each container app. The only place I found this configuration was on the Ingress tab, where I selected "Allow traffic from IPs configured below, deny all other traffic". While this worked fine on the ingress endpoint (my-app-container--a1b2c3.[...], it did not work on the custom domain defined for the container app (, where I get RBAC: access denied error. Plus there is the risk that the next deploy will change the suffix on the endpoint with the next replica name.
Do I need to whitelist certain IPs from Microsoft in order for the custom domain translation to happen? Or is there another setting I must change? Or another place where to restrict the incoming traffic?