Hi @Punit katnalli I highly suggest enabling Application Insights on your function app. There, you'll have to capability to observe end-to-end transactions and where in the transaction it's taking the longest.
I'm assuming you already some console.log()
that's printing out. You want to include some sort of correlation value that's tied to the function invocation. That will allow you to search by the value to see the log output that's related to that operation. If you don't have application insights enabled, you can refer to https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-functions/functions-monitoring on how to enable and get started.
With Application Insights enabled, I've personally used https://pacodelacruz.io/correlated-structured-logging-on-azure-functions as guide to get my logging to where I wanted it to be. Just make sure host.json logging is configured appropriately for your use case.
Let me know if you need further assistance with this.