Hi Rajasekar Vudhi,
To investigate missing files in Azure Blob Storage, you can utilize the server-side logs to identify operations that may have led to the deletions. The server-side Storage Logging log can show when a client deleted an object, including the operation type and requested object key. This can help you determine if another user or process was responsible for the deletion.
Additionally, examining the client-side logs generated by the Storage Client Library can provide insights into specific requests made to the storage service. These logs can help you trace back the actions leading to the missing files.
Storage Account Activity Log: This log captures control plane operations, Check the Storage Account Activity Log for control plane operations, which can identify changes made to the storage account.
Data Plane Operations: These operations are captured in Azure resource logs for Storage. Configuring Diagnostic settings to export logs to a Log Analytics workspace can facilitate a more detailed query experience.
Soft Delete: Ensure soft delete is enabled to protect blobs from accidental deletions.
Blob Versioning: Verify if blob versioning is enabled to maintain previous versions of blobs.
Setup alerts to notify you of any delete operations or unusual activities.
Hope the above suggestion helps! Please let us know do you have any further queries.
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