Hi Charbel
Thank you for the patience.
PG seems to be working on this issue already.
Please follow below work around to deploy bot with template and parameter file downloaded from prefilled template here on custom template link.
Here is the step-by-step process
- Please Prefill the data like RG, Language key, bot name, creation typ etc as you mentioned in the screenshot above.
- Then go back to 1st step and download the template by clicking on "Edit Template" (ignore UI changes prompt and say yes) and Download
3.Then go to "Edit parameter"((ignore UI changes prompt and say yes) as mentioned in below screenshot
(Go to Custom Template link and upload the files of template and parameter, Put RG name in prefilled template and deploy)
4.Go to Custom template linkand click on "Build you own template in the editor"
5.Upload the Template file from step-2 in load file option for "Edit Template" and save.
6.Then upload the parameter file from step-2 in "load file" option from "Edit parameters" and save
7.You will see the details like language key, creation type etc prefilled now
8.Put details of Resource group again and deploy.
9.Once deployed, you can locate the bot and test it from webchat.
Hope this workaround addresses this issue.
Thank you.