"The MPN ID you provided does not exist, or you do not have access to it. Please provide a valid MPN ID and try again."
typically indicates a problem with the MPN ID's validity or the permissions associated with your account. To resolve this, please verify the following:
- MPN ID Validity and Verification:
- Ensure that your MPN ID is valid and that your Microsoft Partner Network account has completed the verification process. The MPN account must be the Partner Global Account (PGA) for your organization.
- Confirm that the domain of the email address used during MPN account verification matches either the publisher domain configured on the app or a DNS-verified custom domain added to the Azure Active Directory (AD) tenant
- User Permissions:
- Verify that the user performing the association has the necessary permissions in both Azure AD and Partner Center:
- Azure AD: The user should be a member of one of the following roles: Application Administrator, Cloud Application Administrator, or Global Administrator.
- Partner Center: The user should have one of the following roles: MPN Administrator, Accounts Administrator, or Global Administrator.
- Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA):
- Ensure that the user performing the association is signing in using multi-factor authentication, as this is a requirement for the process.
Directory Alignment:
- Check that the app registration resides in the same Azure AD directory associated with your MPN ID. If you have multiple directories, the app registration should be under the directory linked to your MPN ID. Misalignment can cause the association to fail.