Thanks for reaching out. Jobs in Azure Container Apps can get suspended for various reasons, especially when using KEDA for scaling based on Service Bus Queue messages. Here are some possible reasons and related log messages:
- Insufficient Resources: If there aren't enough resources (e.g., CPU, memory), KEDA might suspend the jobs. The message 0/3 means there are no available nodes, either because they're at capacity or none are available.
- Scaling Configuration: If your scaling settings aren't optimal, KEDA might scale down to 0 if it can't process messages or allocate resources.
- Job Execution Limits: If jobs aren't set to handle multiple messages at once, they might not start new executions even if there are messages in the queue.
- Node Pool Configuration: If your Kubernetes node pool lacks enough nodes, you might need to increase the number or adjust autoscaling settings to ensure enough resources.
To avoid suspensions and improve scaling, consider these tweaks:
- Increase the minimum count of job replicas to always have instances ready to process messages.
- Check the resource limits and requests for your jobs to ensure they're suitable for the workload.
- Monitor your Kubernetes nodes' health and capacity to ensure they can handle the load.