Unknown Object in Active Directory - I Am the Owner of the Object



Server 2012 R2.

The Issue:

  • I have an organizational unit in Active Directory that started showing as "Unknown" recently.  
  • To my knowledge, an attempt to delete this OU did not happen, so it's not a case of "lingering objects" post delete.  
  • By checking the status of group policy on the servers I know live in that OU, I can see they are still getting their group policy updates
  • I am unable to add new servers to the OU - cannot drag and drop into OU and the "move" option does not show the OU as an option.
  • When I check the properties of the OU

*  Both the "General" and "Object" tabs show: "The Active Directory Domain Services object could not be displayed.  Unable to view attribute or value.  You may not have permissions to view this object."

*  The "Security" tab shows the access levels of various user groups.  When I go into "Advanced" under "Security" it shows I am the owner of this object.

What I've tried:

..but since I am already the owner, it didn't help me.  I even tried changing the owner from "Domain Admins" (of which I am a member of) to my own name, just to see if it would automagically 'wake up' for me, but that didn't work, so I changed the owner back to "Domain Admins".

  • I tried running this command in Powershell to pull all OU's, but the OU in question did not get returned:

Get-ADOrganizationalUnit -Filter 'Name -like "*"' | FT Name, DistinguishedName -A

  • The goal of running the above ^^ command was to at least get a list of all servers living in that OU so I could recreate it.
  • I followed the steps here, just in case we had accidentally set the owner to "Deny All", not the case: http://www.chicagotech.net/winissues/adpermission3.htm
  • Lastly, I tried to navigate to CN=Deleted Objects just to confirm the object wasn't inadvertently deleted by a team member, no luck there either:


Requested Help:

  • Any other ideas on how I could revive this OU?  
  • I really can't afford to lose all of the servers that live in this OU.  Is there any way to get the contents of the OU and move them to a new OU via Powershell command perhaps?
  • In the state that it's in, I don't even think we are going to be able to delete this OU by right clicking on it + then selecting delete (I haven't tried, yet).  If I am able to recreate it, any ideas on how to delete the 'bad'/Unknown OU (Powershell maybe)?

Thanks in advance!

Windows Server Identity and access Active Directory

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  1. Anonymous

    Thanks, Bill! I was actually able to resolve the issue over the weekend and figured I'd post the resolution here in case someone happens to come across the same issue.

    • I am a part of a group called "Domain Admins" who owns the "Unknown" OU
    • I am also a part of a group called "IT" who was explicitly denied access to this "Unknown" OU
    • The "Deny" rule trumped the "Owner" setting which caused the OU to show as "Unknown"
    • To fix: Removed myself from the IT group
    • Alt fix: Change the IT group from Deny to pretty much anything else that is allowed to read/access this OU.
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