This is regarding my personal Microsoft account. I can login fine to my Microsoft account using the Authenticator app, no problem. But when I try to login to Azure using the same account, it seems to be using a different authenticator profile because I don't get the codes or request on my app. I can't even input the code generated by the authenticator because it's 8 digits but Azure login is expecting 6 digits.
I think at some point I logged in to Azure with my personal email, asked me to set up a separate authenticator profile, which I probably did, but now it is no longer on my phone. Maybe because I have changed phones in the last year. So, I have no way to access that old authenticator profile.
I have tried multiple times to login to Azure again and again and in some instances it would say that I don't have access to that tenant ID or something. I think there is a EXT/onmicrosoft account thing associated with my personal microsoft account and that's the one that I should be using on my authenticator, but I don't have. And it seems there is no way to reset that MFA to do it all over again, even though it's my personal email account. The only options I get is to send a request to my device or input the code, which is basically the same, as I don't have that with me. There is no other way to recover my account.
In any case, I have nothing on my old azure account, I just want to start over, and can't find a way to do so unless I create a new Microsoft account, which I rather not do.
I have tried to contact Azure/Microsoft support, but every link takes you to the Azure Portal where I can't login to begin with. So here I am.