To better answer your questions, let's first review the differences between Shutdown vs Restart.
Shutdown: In older versions of Windows, Restart and Shut Down did the same thing, closing down programs and powering off the machine. But this is changed since windows 8 and 10,with the new feature named Fast Startup, which is designed to eliminate what used to be that irritatingly long process of getting your PC up and running.
By default, Windows 10 enables the Fast Startup option when a user clicks Shut Down, and it allows Windows 10 to start up faster the next time a user starts Windows.
Restart: it will shut down all of the computer's processes, including the kernel and as a result, users could get a totally clean start when the computer boots up again, though it takes longer to get everything running.
Restart should be used when installing updates/software and to resolve any errors. If the computer has frozen or is giving off some other error, you should use Restart rather than Shut Down, even though it may seem to you that Shut Down would be a more complete option.
Reference links:
What's the Difference Between Restarting and Shutting Down My Computer?
Shutting Down Doesn’t Fully Shut Down Windows 10 (But Restarting Does)
Answer posted by DaveM122:
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