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ADF Dataflow issue with source API query
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ADF Dataflow issue with source API query
am trying to setup an Azure Data Factory Dataflow.
The source is a REST API from Monday.com which uses GraphQL. The API requires POST method, with 3 headers Content-Type "application/json", API-Version "2025-01 " and Authorization: "API token"
The request body requires a query to pull the data. Heres my query example
{ "query":"query { boards(ids: someid) {items_page(limit: 1) {cursor items {id name column_values {column {title} text}}}}}" }
When i run the dataflow it fails with the following
InvalidOperationException: DSL compilation failed: DF-DSL-001 - DSL stream has parsing errors\\nLine 8 Position 11: body: '{ \\nmismatched input
I have tried placing the query into a single line but it is being rejected by the API source with the following error:
at Source 'source2': Failure to read most recent page request: DF-REST_001- Error response from server: Some(<html> <head><title>400 Bad Request</title></head> <body> <center><h1>400 Bad Request</h1></center> <hr><center>cloudflare</center> </body> </html>), Status code: 400. Please check your request url and body. (url:https://api.monday.com/v2/,request body: Some({ "query":"query { boards(ids: some id) {items_page(limit: 1) { cursor items { id name column_values { column { title } text } } } }}" }), request method: POST
The dataflow JSON is automatically created by ADF which shows this and as you can see it is placing , after the first { and last }
"source(allowSchemaDrift: true,",
" validateSchema: false,",
" inferDriftedColumnTypes: true,",
" format: 'rest',",
" timeout: 30,",
" headers: ['Content-Type' -> 'application/json', 'API-Version' -> '2025-01', 'Authorization' -> 'Some API Token', 'Accept' -> 'application/json'],",
" httpMethod: 'POST',",
" body: '{ ",
"\"query\":\"query { boards(ids: some id) {items_page(limit: 1) { cursor items { id name column_values { column { title } text } } } }}\" ",
" paginationRules: ['supportRFC5988' -> 'true'],",
" responseFormat: ['type' -> 'json', 'documentForm' -> 'arrayOfDocuments']) ~> source2">```
I have also changed the source format option from none to JSON and got a Error 415 response advising to check the URL and/or body