How can a Logic App workflow be configured to use private DNS resolution with Azure Bicep?
I have been assigned to utilize a private endpoint within a virtual network through an Azure Logic App deployed in the same network. I successfully deployed the workflow and integrated it with the virtual network using the following:
resource logicAppVnetIntegration 'Microsoft.Web/sites/networkConfig@2024-04-01' = {
parent: logicApp
name: 'virtualNetwork'
properties: {
subnetResourceId: resourceId('Microsoft.Network/virtualNetworks/subnets', vnetName, logicAppSubnetName)
swiftSupported: true
Additionally, I have configured the following Logic App settings:
appSettings: [
value: 'SystemAssigned'
value: '1'
value: ''
However, when I send a request to the private endpoint, I receive the following error:
"error": {
"code": "403",
"message": "Public access is disabled. Please configure private endpoint."
Here is the visualization of my bicep code:
After debugging, I suspect that the issue is due to the Logic App failing to resolve the private endpoint. If anyone has encountered a similar issue, I would appreciate any guidance. Bicep templates would be especially helpful.