I am unable to get our AKS to be able to pull images from our ACR. I get the following error
on the pod
Failed to pull image "**REMOVE**.azurecr.io/**REMOVED**:dev": [rpc error: code = NotFound desc = failed to pull and unpack image "**REMOVED**.azurecr.io/**REMOVED**:dev": no match for platform in manifest: not found, failed to pull and unpack image "**REMOVED**.azurecr.io/**REMOVED**:dev": failed to resolve reference "**REMOVED**.azurecr.io/**REMOVED**:dev": failed to authorize: failed to fetch anonymous token: unexpected status from GET request to https://**REMOVED**.azurecr.io/oauth2/token?scope=repository%3A**REMOVED**%3Apull&service=**REMOVED**.azurecr.io: 401 Unauthorized]
I have tried removing the connection
az aks update -n <myAKSCluster> -g <myResourceGroup> --detach-acr <acr-resource-id>
and then recreating the connection
az aks update -n <myAKSCluster> -g <myResourceGroup> --attach-acr <acr-resource-id>
I have verified it is using a system managed identity and the identity has the ACRPull permissions
I have tried following the troubleshooting guide
401 unauthorized error