Thank you for reaching out.
Yes, the flat file import feature is part of our roadmap for this year. We are actively working to make the MSSQL extension roadmap more visible to customers, enabling them to migrate with confidence when the time is suitable for them. In the meantime, for importing flat files into a database, you might consider the following alternatives:
Use existing tools like SSMS or ADS SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) or Azure Data Studio (ADS) both offer robust import wizards that let you easily import flat files into SQL Server. ADS won’t be retired until February 28th of 2026, so it can be a valid option until this feature is release on the MSSQL extension.
Use PowerShell PowerShell is another effective option for importing CSV data into SQL Server. Using the built-in Import-Csv cmdlet along with cmdlets from the SqlServer module (such as Write-SqlTableData) allows you to script the import process in a streamlined and efficient manner. This approach is well-documented and can handle both simple and more complex import
For more details on recommended alternatives, please check the documentation: Recommended Alternatives for SQL Server Capabilities in ADS
Please see ADS retirement main page
Hope that helps.