ASP Windows with Java 17 SE Backend Support for Server Sent Events
Is it possible for ASP Windows with a Java SE backend to support Server Sent Events? Locally, everything functions properly when running the standalone Spring Boot JAR, the events are sent out one at a time as they occur. However, when deploying the same JAR and configurations to an Azure ASP Windows environment, the connection remains open as expected, but the event message payloads are buffered in large chunks instead of being sent one at a time. When enough events are generated to receive this large chunk, the last event is typically cut off and not fully delivered. I was able to confirm that when executing curl directly on the azure container, the content streams as expected. Initially, I suspected that the issue was related to the application gateway, but even when hitting the container directly i get the same behavior. The connection is open, but the stream is buffered. Any insights or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.